#!/usr/local/bin/perl # ############################################################################# # # Find the beginning of the application by searching for 'MAIN:' # ############################################################################# # Always use 'strict' and 'warnings' use strict; use warnings; # Version information my $ID = q$Id: generic, v1.02 2011-02-11 don@infoblox.com $; my $REV = q$Version: 1.02 $; # Look for libraries in a few more places use FindBin; BEGIN { push (@INC, "./lib"); push (@INC, "$FindBin::Bin"); push (@INC, "$FindBin::Bin/lib"); }; # Store the name of the application for later use my $basename = $FindBin::Script; # Add the necessary modules to make this work. use Carp; use Cwd; use File::Copy; # for copy/move use File::Path; # for create_dir use Getopt::Long; # for processing command line parameters use Pod::Usage; # for built-in help display use Readonly; # v1.03 or newer use Text::CSV; # for use to write files use Text::CSV_XS; # for use to read files use MLDBM; # for use to read files using tie (dbm_read) use Fcntl; # for use to read files using tie (dbm_read) use Infoblox; # for use with Infoblox appliances # Set up debugging levels Readonly my $DEBUG_ERROR => 0; Readonly my $DEBUG_WARNING => 1; Readonly my $DEBUG_PROGRESS_INDICATOR => 2; Readonly my $DEBUG_INFO => 3; Readonly my $DEBUG_WRITE_FILE => 4; Readonly my $DEBUG_WRITE_LINE => 5; Readonly my $DEBUG_READ_LINE => 6; Readonly my $DEBUG => 99; # Set up readonly and global values Readonly my $COMMENT_CHAR => q{[#;]}; Readonly my $EMPTY_STRING => q{}; Readonly my $ESCAPE_CHARACTER => q{^}; Readonly my $LEADING_WHITESPACE => qr{\A \s*}xms; Readonly my $QUOTE_CHAR => q{"}; Readonly my $SURROUNDING_WHITESPACE => qr{\A \s* | \s* \z}xms; Readonly my $TRAILING_WHITESPACE => qr{\s* \z}xms; Readonly my $PROGRESS_INDICATOR => 2500; Readonly my $LOGFILENAME => get_log_filename(); # Data structure for defaults and config file options my $config = { # Infoblox API common settings 'grid_master' => '', 'username' => 'admin', 'password' => 'infoblox', # input and output directories #'source_directory' => cwd() . '/export', #'target_directory' => cwd() . '/output', # standard options 'debug' => 0, 'conf_section' => $EMPTY_STRING, 'log_to_file' => 0, }; ############################################################################# # # Generic functions -- no specific tie to the tasks in this script # ############################################################################# # Usage : convert_bits_to_mask($subnet_bits) # Usage : convert_ip_to_number($ip_addr) # Usage : convert_mask_to_bits($subnet_mask) # Usage : convert_number_to_ip($ip_value) # Usage : count_lines($filename) # Usage : create_dir($directory) # Usage : create_file($filename, $text_data) # Usage : csv_to_hash($filename, [$key_column]) # Usage : dbm_read($filename, [$key_column]) # Usage : debug_log($label, [$ref,] @message) # Usage : debug_print($level, $label, [$ref,] @message) # Usage : decimal2mac($mac_address) # Usage : display_progress($debug_level, $current_record, $total_records) # Usage : error_print($message, [$label]) # Usage : get_log_filename() # Usage : is_array(x) # Usage : is_hash(x) # Usage : is_numeric(x) # Usage : make_list_unique($array_ref, $separator) # Usage : quit($message) # Usage : read_config($filename, $section, $config_record) # Usage : write_csvfile($filename, $fields_to_write, $hash_ref) # Usage : ltrim($string) # Usage : rtrim($string) # Usage : trim($string) ############################################################################## # Usage : convert_bits_to_mask($subnet_bits) # Purpose : Return the dotted decimal form of a mask from the number # of bits (0-32) # Returns : A scalar dotted decimal mask # Parameters : The number of bits in the mask sub convert_bits_to_mask { my ($bits) = @_; my %clook = ( # Standard classful masks 0 => '0' , 1 => '', 9 => '', 17 => '', 2 => '', 10 => '', 18 => '', 3 => '', 11 => '', 19 => '', 4 => '', 12 => '', 20 => '', 5 => '', 13 => '', 21 => '', 6 => '', 14 => '', 22 => '', 7 => '', 15 => '', 23 => '', 8 => '', 16 => '', 24 => '', # Classless masks 25 => '', 26 => '', 27 => '', 28 => '', 29 => '', 30 => '', 31 => '', 32 => '', ); return ( $clook{$bits} ) ; } ############################################################################## # Usage : convert_ip_to_number($ip_addr) # Purpose : Return the IP value of an IP address # Returns : An integer # Parameters : An IP address sub convert_ip_to_number { my ($ip_addr) = @_; Readonly my $VALID_IPADDRESS_FORMAT => qr{^\b((([01]?\d{1,2}|2([0-4]\d|5[0-5]))\.){3}([01]?\d{1,2}|2([0-4]\d|5[0-5])))\b$}xms; # Make sure the IP address is valid if ($ip_addr !~ $VALID_IPADDRESS_FORMAT) { debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, "DEBUG", "convert_ip_to_number: IP address does not match a valid format - $ip_addr"); return; } my @octets = split(/\./, $ip_addr); my $ip_value = (2 ** 24) * $octets[0] + (2 ** 16) * $octets[1] + (2 ** 8) * $octets[2] + $octets[3]; return ( $ip_value ) ; } ############################################################################## # Usage : convert_mask_to_bits($subnet_mask) # Purpose : Return the dotted decimal form of a mask from the number # of bits (0-32) # Returns : A scalar dotted decimal mask # Parameters : The number of bits in the mask sub convert_mask_to_bits { my ($mask) = @_; # Define a hash of octet values to bits my %mask_lookup = ( 0 => 0, 128 => 1, 192 => 2, 224 => 3, 240 => 4, 248 => 5, 252 => 6, 254 => 7, 255 => 8, ); # Split the mask into four octets my @octets = split(/\./, $mask); # Define the variable to store the bits my $bits = 0; # For each octet, add the appropriate bits foreach my $octet (@octets) { $bits += $mask_lookup{$octet}; } return ( $bits ) ; } ############################################################################## # Usage : convert_number_to_ip($ip_value) # Purpose : Return the dotted decimal form of an IP address from an # IP value # Returns : A scalar dotted decimal IP address # Parameters : An integer sub convert_number_to_ip { my ($ip_value) = @_; my ($octet1, $octet2, $octet3, $remainder); $octet1 = int($ip_value / (2 ** 24)); $remainder = $ip_value % (2 ** 24); $octet2 = int($remainder / (2 ** 16)); $remainder = $ip_value % (2 ** 16); $octet3 = int($remainder / (2 ** 8)); $remainder = $ip_value % (2 ** 8); # Address any signed integer problems if ($octet1 < 0) { $octet1 += 255; } my $ip_addr = "$octet1.$octet2.$octet3.$remainder"; return ( $ip_addr ) ; } ############################################################################## # Usage : count_lines($filename) # Purpose : Counts the number of lines in a file # Returns : The total lines in the file # Parameters : The name of the file sub count_lines { # If there is a list of files, we'll keep a line count for each my ($filename) = @_; my $num_lines = 0; # Make sure the file exists before we open it if (-e $filename) { # Open the file for reading and count the lines open (my $fh, "<", $filename) or next COUNT_LOOP; while (<$fh>) { $num_lines++; } close $fh; } debug_print($DEBUG, "DEBUG", "count_lines: Counted $num_lines in file '$filename'"); # Return both the total number of lines return ($num_lines); } ############################################################################## # Usage : create_dir($directory) # Purpose : Creates a directory if it does not exist # Returns : 1 on success, 0 on failure # Parameters : Takes a path sub create_dir { my ($directory) = @_; if ( !(-d $directory) ) { my $error = mkpath $directory; my $reason = $!; # if the directory doesn't exist, we probably don't have permissions if (! (-d $directory)) { error_print("Failed to create directory [$directory] mkpath error is [$error/$reason]"); return 0; } else { debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, $EMPTY_STRING, "created directory [$directory]"); } } else { debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, $EMPTY_STRING, "directory [$directory] already exists"); } return 1; } ############################################################################## # Usage : create_file($filename, $text_data) # Purpose : Create a new file containing data # Returns : Nothing # Parameters : filename to create # data to write in the file (such as a header row) sub create_file { my ($filename, $text_data) = @_; debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, "FILE", "\tCreating file [$filename]"); open my $fh, '>', $filename or quit("FATAL : Unable to open [$filename] for writing"); print $fh "$text_data"; close $fh or error_print("Unable to close [$filename] after writing"); return; } ############################################################################## # Usage : csv_to_hash($filename, [$key_column]) # Purpose : Reads in the passed CSV and returns a hash of the data # Returns : A hash of the data, the key is the first column or # the optional $key_column # Parameters : $filename of file to read # optional $key_column # Example : csv_to_hash("data.csv") sub csv_to_hash { my ($filename, $key_column) = @_; # If the file doesn't exist or is empty, print an error message and return if (-z $filename) { debug_print($DEBUG_WARNING, "NOTICE", "File [$filename] is empty."); return; } debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, "FILE", "reading from file [$filename]"); # Define some local variables my $total_lines = count_lines($filename); # Get the total number of lines in the file my $line_no = 0; # Create a variable to help us keep track of progress my $bad_records = 0; # Keep track of how many records are rejected my @field_list; # Create a variable to hold the field names my $record; # Temporary data structure my %csv_hash; # Define the hash where we will store the data we read # We need to create an object to read the file my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ sep_char => q{,}, # Field are comma separated escape_char => q{`}, # Backticks are always data quote_char => q{"}, # Quotes allowed binary => 0, # Read in text mode allow_loose_quotes => 1, # Allow --> data,data,some "more" data,data }); # Open the file for reading open (my $csv_fh, "<", $filename) or quit("FATAL : Unable to open [$filename] for reading."); # Read the file line-by-line CSV_LOOP: while (my $line = <$csv_fh>) { chomp($line); # Remove CRLF $line =~ s/\r//g; # Remove CR because chomp on CYGWIN won't $line_no++; # The following two regular expressions resolve a QIP CSV issue $line =~ s/`/$ESCAPE_CHARACTER/g; # Immunize against use of escape character $line =~ s/""""/`"`"/g; # Special case double-double 'inside' qoutes $line =~ s/"""/"/g; # Do this first to replace 'outside' quotes $line =~ s/""/`"/g; # Then do this for any 'inside' quotes # Check for a blank line if (length($line) == 0) { next CSV_LOOP; } # Process the current line if (! $csv->parse($line)) { debug_print($DEBUG_WARNING, "REJECT", "Bad data [$line]"); my $err = $csv->error_input; debug_print($DEBUG_WARNING, "ERROR", "csv->parse() failed on argument: $err"); $bad_records++; next CSV_LOOP; } # The first row in the file is our column list if ($line_no == 1) { @field_list = map { lc $_ } $csv->fields; # Convert each field name to lower case # Map a key column if one was not passed if (! $key_column) { $key_column = $field_list[0]; } # Continue to the next line next CSV_LOOP; } my %temp_hash; my @fields = $csv->fields; # Store the data into the correct record columns foreach my $column (0 .. $#field_list) { $temp_hash{$field_list[$column]} = $fields[$column]; } # Get the key from the record my $record_key = $temp_hash{$key_column}; # Make sure we have a key and that it's unique if (defined $record_key) { if ($csv_hash{$record_key}) { $record_key = "$record_key-$line_no"; } } else { next CSV_LOOP; } # Now map the record into the hash $csv_hash{$record_key} = \%temp_hash; $record = \%temp_hash; } continue { debug_print($DEBUG_READ_LINE, "LINE", $record) if ($record); display_progress($DEBUG_PROGRESS_INDICATOR, $line_no, $total_lines); } debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, "READ", "[$line_no] line(s), [$bad_records] were rejected, from [$filename]"); return %csv_hash; } ############################################################################## # Usage : dbm_read($filename, [$key_column]) # Purpose : Reads in the passed CSV and returns a hash of the data # Returns : A hash of the data, the key is the first column or # the optional $key_column # Parameters : $filename of file to read # optional $key_column # Example : dbm_read("data.csv") sub dbm_read { my ($filename, $key_column) = @_; my $dbm = tie my %dbm_outfile, 'MLDBM', "$filename.dat", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666 or quit("FATAL : Can't initialize MLDBM file: $!"); # If the file doesn't exist or is empty, print an error message and return if (-z $filename) { debug_print($DEBUG_WARNING, "NOTICE", "File [$filename] is empty."); return; } debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, "FILE", "reading from file [$filename]"); # Define some local variables my $total_lines = count_lines($filename); # Get the total number of lines in the file my $line_no = 0; # Create a variable to help us keep track of progress my $bad_records = 0; # Keep track of how many records are rejected my @field_list; # Create a variable to hold the field names my $record; # Temporary data structure # We need to create an object to read the file my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ sep_char => q{,}, # Field are comma separated escape_char => q{`}, # Backticks are always data quote_char => q{"}, # Quotes allowed binary => 0, # Read in text mode allow_loose_quotes => 1, # Allow --> data,data,some "more" data,data }); # Open the file for reading open (my $csv_fh, "<", $filename) or quit("FATAL : Unable to open [$filename] for reading."); # Read the file line-by-line CSV_LOOP: while (my $line = <$csv_fh>) { chomp($line); # Remove CRLF $line =~ s/\r//g; # Remove CR because chomp on CYGWIN won't $line_no++; # The following two regular expressions resolve a QIP CSV issue $line =~ s/`/$ESCAPE_CHARACTER/g; # Immunize against use of escape character $line =~ s/""""/`"`"/g; # Special case double-double 'inside' qoutes $line =~ s/"""/"/g; # Do this first to replace 'outside' quotes $line =~ s/""/`"/g; # Then do this for any 'inside' quotes # Check for a blank line if (length($line) == 0) { next CSV_LOOP; } # Process the current line if (! $csv->parse($line)) { debug_print($DEBUG_WARNING, "REJECT", "Bad data [$line]"); my $err = $csv->error_input; debug_print($DEBUG_WARNING, "ERROR", "csv->parse() failed on argument: $err"); $bad_records++; next CSV_LOOP; } # The first row in the file is our column list if ($line_no == 1) { @field_list = map { lc $_ } $csv->fields; # Convert each field name to lower case # Map a key column if one was not passed if (! $key_column) { $key_column = $field_list[0]; } # Continue to the next line next CSV_LOOP; } my %temp_hash; my @fields = $csv->fields; # Store the data into the correct record columns foreach my $column (0 .. $#field_list) { $temp_hash{$field_list[$column]} = $fields[$column]; } # Get the key from the record my $record_key = $temp_hash{$key_column}; # Make sure we have a key and that it's unique if (defined $record_key) { if ($dbm->{$record_key}) { $record_key = "$record_key-$line_no"; } } else { next CSV_LOOP; } # Now map the record into the hash $dbm->{$record_key} = \%temp_hash; $record = \%temp_hash; } continue { debug_print($DEBUG_READ_LINE, "LINE", $record) if ($record); display_progress($DEBUG_PROGRESS_INDICATOR, $line_no, $total_lines); } debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, "READ", "[$line_no] line(s), [$bad_records] were rejected, from [$filename]"); return $dbm; } ############################################################################## # Usage : debug_log($label, [$ref,] @message) # Purpose : Prints messages to log file # Returns : nothing # Parameters : optional $label to print instead of "DEBUG" # @message to print (will print everything followed by '\n') # Notes : The label "DEBUG" is reserved with an extra space to make # it six characters in length. The idea is that this should # be long enough to allow more choices while still lining up # ouput. Users should pass a six character string to keep # the print layout consistent. # sub debug_log { my ($label, $first_part, @message) = @_; my $logfile = $LOGFILENAME; # Get the date and time for the log entry my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime(); my $year = $yearOffset + 1900; # Compensate for $month starting at 0 instead of 1 $month ++; # Append leading 0 where necessary $month = ($month < 10) ? ("0" . $month ) : $month; $dayOfMonth = ($dayOfMonth < 10) ? ("0" . $dayOfMonth) : $dayOfMonth; $hour = ($hour < 10) ? ("0" . $hour ) : $hour; $minute = ($minute < 10) ? ("0" . $minute ) : $minute; $second = ($second < 10) ? ("0" . $second ) : $second; #open the debug log file in append mode open my $debug_log_fh, '>>', $logfile or quit("FATAL : Unable to open [$logfile] for writing."); # See if we need to change label; if ( !$label || $label eq $EMPTY_STRING ) { $label = "DEBUG [--]"; } # Start the message print $debug_log_fh "[$year/$month/$dayOfMonth $hour:$minute:$second] $label: "; # If this is a hash... if (is_hash($first_part)) { my $loop_count = 0; # Print each key and value MESSAGE_HASH_LOOP: foreach my $key (sort keys %{ $first_part }) { # Print a comma between fields if ($loop_count) { print $debug_log_fh ", "; } print $debug_log_fh "[$key="; if (is_array($first_part->{$key})) { print $debug_log_fh join(",", @{ $first_part->{$key} }); } else { print $debug_log_fh "$first_part->{$key}"; } print $debug_log_fh "]"; $loop_count++; } } else { print $debug_log_fh "$first_part"; } # Print any remaining part of the message print $debug_log_fh " " . join(" ", @message) . "\n"; close $debug_log_fh; return; } ############################################################################## # Usage : debug_print($level, $label, [$ref,] @message) # Purpose : Prints out messages of debug is enabled. Prints more # with higher levels of debug # Returns : nothing # Parameters : $level which must be met by $debug to print # optional $label to print instead of "DEBUG" # @message to print (will print everything followed by '\n') # Notes : The label "DEBUG" is reserved with an extra space to make # it six characters in length. The idea is that this should # be long enough to allow more choices while still lining up # ouput. Users should pass a six character string to keep # the print layout consistent. # sub debug_print { my ($level, $label, $first_part, @message) = @_; # See if we need to change label; if ( !$label || $label eq $EMPTY_STRING ) { $label = "DEBUG"; } # If debug is higher than the level, print the message and return if ($config->{'debug'} >= $level) { # Start the message $label = sprintf("%-6s [%02d]", $label, $level); print "$label: "; # If this is a hash... if (is_hash($first_part)) { my $loop_count = 0; # Print each key and value MESSAGE_HASH_LOOP: foreach my $key (sort keys %{ $first_part }) { # Print a comma between fields if ($loop_count) { print ", "; } print "[$key="; if (is_array($first_part->{$key})) { print join(",", @{ $first_part->{$key} }); } else { print "$first_part->{$key}"; } print "]"; $loop_count++; } } else { print "$first_part"; } # Print any remaining part of the message print " " . join(" ", @message) . "\n"; # Send same output to disk if ($config->{'log_to_file'}) { debug_log($label, $first_part, @message); } } return; } ############################################################################## # Usage : decimal2mac($mac_address) # Purpose : Takes a 12-character decimal address and converts it to # a colon delimited MAC address # Returns : a MAC address on success, undef on failure # Parameters : $mac_address sub decimal2mac { my ($mac_address) = @_; # Check for proper length and format if ( !(length $mac_address == 12) or ($mac_address =~ /[^[0-9a-f]/i)) { # Return undef on failure return; } $mac_address =~ s/(..)/$1:/g; # Take each pair of values and add a colon after them $mac_address =~ s/:$//g; # Remove the excess colon at the end of the line return ( $mac_address ); } ############################################################################## # Usage : display_progress($debug_level, $current_record, $total_records) # Purpose : Displays a progress related message # Returns : nothing # Parameters : $debug_level to pass to debug_print # $current_record that was just processed # $total_records in the group sub display_progress { my ($debug_level, $current_record, $total_records) = @_; # Short circuit the routine if the proper debug level isn't set if ($debug_level > $config->{'debug'}) { return; } my $percent_complete = 0; # Make sure $total_records is at least defined if (! $total_records) { $total_records = 0; } # Use modulus to check for a remainder if ((($current_record % $PROGRESS_INDICATOR) == 0) || ($current_record == $total_records)) { if ($total_records) { $percent_complete = int(($current_record / $total_records) * 100); debug_print($debug_level, "------", "\tprocessed record [#$current_record] of [$total_records], [$percent_complete%] complete"); } else { debug_print($debug_level, "------", "\tprocessed record [#$current_record]"); } } return; } ############################################################################## # Usage : error_print($message, [$label]) # Purpose : Prints out an error message. If debug level is set # returns gracefully, otherwise exits. # Returns : nothing # Parameters : $message to print # optional $label to print instead of "ERROR" # Notes : The label is reserved with an extra space to make it # six characters in length. The idea is that this should # be long enough to allow more choices while still lining up # ouput. Users should pass a six character string to keep # the print layout consistent. sub error_print { my ($message, $label) = @_; # See if we need to change label; if ( !$label || $label eq $EMPTY_STRING ) { $label = "ERROR"; } # Print the error message debug_print($DEBUG_ERROR, $label, $message); # If debug is set, return if ($config->{'debug'} >= $DEBUG) { return; } # Exit with an error debug_print($DEBUG_ERROR, "QUIT", "Giving up"); exit 1; } ############################################################################## # Usage : get_log_filename() # Purpose : Generate a log filename based on the script name and date/time # Returns : Return a time stamped log filename # Parameters : none sub get_log_filename { # Start by getting the name of the script my $filename = $basename; # Remove the .pl file extension $filename =~ s{.pl \z}{}gxm; # Get the current date and time so we can time index our filename my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime(); my $year = $yearOffset + 1900; # Compensate for $month starting at 0 instead of 1 $month ++; # Append leading 0 where necessary $month = ($month < 10) ? ("0" . $month ) : $month; $dayOfMonth = ($dayOfMonth < 10) ? ("0" . $dayOfMonth) : $dayOfMonth; $hour = ($hour < 10) ? ("0" . $hour ) : $hour; $minute = ($minute < 10) ? ("0" . $minute ) : $minute; $second = ($second < 10) ? ("0" . $second ) : $second; # Now finish building the filename $filename = "$filename.$year$month$dayOfMonth.$hour$minute$second.log"; # It shouldn't exist but let's check anyway if (-e $filename) { debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, "INFO", "Log file already exists. Removing it."); unlink($filename); } return $filename; } ############################################################################## # Usage : is_array(x) # Purpose : Determines if the passed reference is an array or not # Returns : 1 if x is an array, 0 if not # Parameters : a reference sub is_array { my ($ref) = @_; if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY") { return 1; } return 0; } ############################################################################## # Usage : is_hash(x) # Purpose : Determines if the passed reference is a hash or not # Returns : 1 if x is an hash, 0 if not # Parameters : a reference sub is_hash { my ($ref) = @_; if (ref $ref eq "HASH") { return 1; } return 0; } ############################################################################## # Usage : is_numeric(x) # Purpose : Determines if the passed reference is a natural number # Returns : 1 if x is a natural number, 0 if not # Parameters : a value # Note : A natural number is 0 (zero) or greater sub is_numeric { my $value = shift; if ($value =~ /^\d+$/) { return 1; } return 0; } ############################################################################## # Usage : make_list_unique($array_ref, $separator) # Purpose : Take an array and make all elements unqiue # Returns : A sorted string of the unique items separated by $separator # Returns : A hash or a separated list of items # Parameters : A separator (such as ';' or ',') # : An array containing the data to make unique sub make_list_unique { my ($lists_of_items, $separator) = @_; if (! $separator) { $separator = ","; } # Create one long list of all of the values my $string_of_items = join($separator, @{ $lists_of_items }); # Now split the list again so each item is a single entry # Some items may have actually been multiple items my @array_of_items = split($separator, $string_of_items); # Build a hash of the unique values in the array my %unique_items = map { $_ => 1 } @array_of_items; # Delete any empty hash items if ($unique_items{$EMPTY_STRING}) { delete $unique_items{$EMPTY_STRING}; } if (wantarray) { return (sort keys %unique_items); } # List each of the items in sorted order my $unique_list = join($separator, sort keys %unique_items); return $unique_list; } ############################################################################## # Usage : quit($message) # Purpose : Prints a message then exits the application # Returns : nothing # Parameters : $message to print sub quit { # Set the carp level to find the caller to quit $Carp::CarpLevel = 1; # Print the error to the log file #debug_print($DEBUG_ERROR, "QUIT", "@_"); # Croak the message croak "@_\n"; # Exit with an error exit 1; } ############################################################################## # Usage : read_config($filename, $section, $config_record) # Purpose : Read a config file (INI like) and optionally # a specific section # Returns : A record of the global and section options (flattened) # Parameters : $filename of the config file # $section name of optional section to read # (all others are ignored) # $config_record containing any pre-existing settings sub read_config { my ($filename, $section, $record) = @_; my $current_section; my $found = 0; # See if the file exists if (-e $filename) { # Access the config file or signal a failure open my $config_fh, '<', $filename or quit("FATAL : Unable to open [$filename] for reading."); # Decode the file contents CONFIG_LINE: while (my $line = <$config_fh>) { chomp($line); $line =~ s/\r//g; # Remove CR because chomp on CYGWIN won't # Trim spaces from the front and back $line = trim($line); # Check for an empty line or a comment (# or ;) if (($line eq $EMPTY_STRING) || ($line =~ s/^$COMMENT_CHAR/$EMPTY_STRING/)) { next CONFIG_LINE; } # Check to see if we've reached the end of the configuration file # This is a special case so that anything following this directive # is treated as documentation if ($line eq "__END__") { last CONFIG_LINE; } # If we find a section header, capture it if (($line =~ s/^\[/$EMPTY_STRING/) && ($line =~ s/\]$/$EMPTY_STRING/)) { # Did we just finish with the section we wanted? if (($found) || (! $section)) { last CONFIG_LINE; } # Did we find the section we are looking for? if ($line eq $section) { $found = 1; } $current_section = $line; next CONFIG_LINE; } # if we found a new section but it doesn't match our target... if ($current_section && ($current_section ne $section)) { next CONFIG_LINE; } # Split the name/value pair my @data = split("=", $line); # Did we get more than one part and is the second part not empty? if (($#data > 0) && ($data[1] ne $EMPTY_STRING)) { $record->{$data[0]} = $data[1]; } } close $config_fh or error_print("Unable to close [$filename] after reading"); } # Return the config record return ($record); } ############################################################################## # Usage : write_csvfile($filename, $fields_to_write, $hash_ref) # Purpose : Take a hash and write specific fields to a CSV file # : The first field label text is repeated on each line # : (if it does not exist as a column) # : The first line of the file is the list of fields with a # : hash/pound ('#') sign to comment it out # Returns : Nothing # Parameters : The filename to write to (append mode) # : The list of fields to write (from the hash) # : Arrays are processed as mini-lists # : A hash containing the data to write sub write_csvfile { my ($filename, $flds, $hash_ref) = @_; # Perhaps with a larger dataset, moving to Text::CSV_XS may be better my $csv = Text::CSV->new(); # Open the file or return an error open my $csv_fh, '>>', $filename or quit("FATAL : Unable to open [$filename] for writing"); debug_print($DEBUG_INFO, "FILE", "writing file [$filename]"); # Split the field list into an array my @fields = split(" ", $flds); # Prepare and print the header row my $header_row = "#" . join(",", @fields); print $csv_fh "$header_row\n"; # Variables for keeping the user informed (progress) my $num_keys = scalar keys %{ $hash_ref }; my $progress_counter = 0; # For each entry in the hash... WRITE_LOOP: for my $keys (sort keys %{ $hash_ref }) { my @data; # Grab a local copy of the fields my @field_list = @fields; # The first column is repeated on each line if it is not a column my $first_column = $field_list[0]; if (! $hash_ref->{$keys}{$first_column}) { # This is not a column in the record so it should be repeated as the header my $column = shift @field_list; @data = $column; } # For each remaining field FIELD_LOOP: while ( my $fname = shift @field_list ) { # Does the field we want to print exist? if ( !$hash_ref->{$keys}{$fname} ) { push(@data, $EMPTY_STRING); next FIELD_LOOP; } # See if this column is an array if (is_array($hash_ref->{$keys}{$fname})) { my $str; # Join the array into a comma separated list $str = join(",", @{ $hash_ref->{$keys}{$fname} }); push(@data, $str); } # See if this column is a hash elsif (is_hash($hash_ref->{$keys}{$fname})) { my $h_ref = $hash_ref->{$keys}{$fname}; # Loop through each key of the hash foreach my $h_key (sort keys %{ $h_ref }) { my $value; # If the key points to an array and join the options together if (is_array($h_ref->{$h_key})) { $value = join(",", @{ $h_ref->{$h_key} }); } else { $value = $h_ref->{$h_key}; } push(@data, $h_key); # Push the key onto the array push(@data, $value); # Push the value onto the array } } else { push(@data, $hash_ref->{$keys}{$fname}); } } # Combine the data array into the CSV data structure my $status = $csv->combine( @data ); # Abort if there's an error if ( !$status ) { debug_print($DEBUG_ERROR, "REJECT", "write_csvfile: data=", @data); quit("FATAL : Failure to create CSV data"); } # Grab the CSV string in scalar format my $line = scalar $csv->string(); # Print the data to file (and debug) print $csv_fh "$line\n"; debug_print($DEBUG_WRITE_LINE, "LINE", $line); } continue { # Progress indicator display_progress($DEBUG_PROGRESS_INDICATOR, ++$progress_counter, $num_keys); } # Print an extra empty line in the file print $csv_fh "\n"; # Close the file or return an error close $csv_fh or error_print("Unable to close [$filename] after writing"); return; } ############################################################################## # Usage : ltrim($string) # Purpose : Trims whitespace from the left of a string # Returns : The string with no whitespace on the left # Parameters : modified $string sub ltrim { my $string = shift; $string =~ s{$LEADING_WHITESPACE}{$EMPTY_STRING}gxm; return scalar $string; } ############################################################################## # Usage : rtrim($string) # Purpose : Trims whitespace from the right of a string # Returns : The string with no whitespace on the right # Parameters : modified $string sub rtrim { my $string = shift; $string =~ s{$TRAILING_WHITESPACE}{$EMPTY_STRING}gxm; return scalar $string; } ############################################################################## # Usage : trim($string) # Purpose : Trims whitespace from the left and right of a string # Returns : The string with no whitespace on the left or right # Parameters : modified $string sub trim { my $string = shift; $string =~ s{$SURROUNDING_WHITESPACE}{$EMPTY_STRING}gxm; return scalar $string; } ############################################################################# # # Application-specific sub-routines # ############################################################################# ############################################################################## # # Beginning of the main part of the program # Main body is still further down # ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Usage : process_config_options() # Purpose : Processes command line options and reads in config file # Returns : nothing, modifies global $config variable # Parameters : none sub process_config_options { # Create a variable to hold out options in my $options; # Get the passed parameters my $options_okay = GetOptions ( #Infoblox specific options 'server|gmip:s' => \$config->{'grid_master'}, 'username:s' => \$config->{'username'}, 'password:s' => \$config->{'password'}, #Standard options #'i=s' => \$options->{'source_directory'}, #'o=s' => \$options->{'target_directory'}, 'config=s' => \$options->{'config_file'}, 'x=s' => \$options->{'conf_section'}, 'debug:+' => \$options->{'debug'}, # Allow a value to be set or incremented 'nodebug' => sub { $options->{'debug'} = 0; }, # Turn off debugging #Standard meta-options 'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(1); }, 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2); }, 'usage' => sub { pod2usage(2); }, 'version' => sub { print "\n$ID\n$REV\n\n"; exit; }, ); # If we got some option we didn't expect, print a message and abort if ( !$options_okay ) { debug_print($DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR", "An invalid option was passed on the command line."); debug_print($DEBUG_ERROR, "NOTICE", "Try '$basename --help' for help."); exit 1; } # If we didn't get passed a configuration file, let's use a default if ( !$options->{'config_file'}) { $options->{'config_file'} = $basename; $options->{'config_file'} =~ s{.pl \z}{.conf}gxm; } # if the file exists, read it if (-e $options->{'config_file'}) { $config = read_config($options->{'config_file'}, $options->{'conf_section'}, $config); } else { # look for a default config file $config = read_config("default.conf", $options->{'conf_section'}, $config); } # update the config data with the options passed on the command line foreach my $opt_key (keys %{ $options }) { # Make sure we didn't somehow end up with a null value if (defined $options->{$opt_key}) { $config->{$opt_key} = $options->{$opt_key}; } } # Print out the parameters and current options debug_print($DEBUG, $EMPTY_STRING, "Level=$config->{'debug'}"); debug_print($DEBUG, $EMPTY_STRING, "Progress updates every [$PROGRESS_INDICATOR] items within a group (or 100%)"); # Print the configuration settings we're using foreach my $option_item ( keys %{ $config } ) { if ($config->{$option_item}) { debug_print($DEBUG, "CONFIG", " $option_item = [$config->{$option_item}]"); } } return; } ############################################################################## # # Standard script start-up processing # debug_print(1, "------", $ID); process_config_options(); # Create and Infoblox connection my $session; # Create a session to an Infoblox appliance $session = Infoblox::Session->new( "master" => $config->{'grid_master'}, "username" => $config->{'username'}, "password" => $config->{'password'} ); # See if the connection attempt worked if ($session->status_code()) { my $error_text = sprintf("[%d] %s", $session->status_code(), $session->status_detail()); error_print($error_text); exit 1; } debug_print($DEBUG, $EMPTY_STRING, "Session established"); debug_print(0, "------", "==[ Begin ]=="); ############################################################################## # # MAIN: # Put all new code here #{ #my @retrieved_objs = $session->search( # object => "Infoblox::DHCP::FixedAddr", # network => "", # network_view => "default" # ); # #foreach my $item (@retrieved_objs) { # if (exists $item->{'configure_for_dhcp'}) { # print "$item->{'ipv4addr'} is a host object\n"; # } # else { # print "$item->{'ipv4addr'} is a fixed address\n"; # } #} print scalar(localtime)." Retrieving AuthPolicy\n"; $session->get(object => "Infoblox::Grid::Admin::AuthPolicy"); print scalar(localtime)." Done\n"; print "pause"; ############################################################################## # # End of main # ############################################################################## __END__ ############################################################################# # # Documentation (perldoc) # =head1 NAME Generic perl template script =head1 SYNOPSIS generic [-s ] [-u ] [-p ] See below for more description of the available options. =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a template script. =head1 STANDARD OPTIONS =over =item -s | --server | --gmip This is the IP address or hostname of the Grid Master. The default value is "". =item -u | --username This is the admin username to log into the Infoblox appliance with. The default value is "admin". =item -p | --password This is the admin password to log into the Infoblox appliance with. The default value is "infoblox". =item -c | --config This is a config file which can be used to default all standard command line options. For example, you may default debugging to level 2 by placing the following line in the config file. B By default, the script will always look in the current directory for a config file of I.conf. If that file does not exist, then the script will check for B. =item -x This option specifies which section of configuration file should be read. The unlabled section at the top of the configuration file is always read. This option allows an additional section to be loaded. For example, passing B<-x dns6demo> will cause the I<[dns6demo]> section of the following config file to be loaded. # Top of config file username=admin password=infoblox [dns6demo] grid_master=dns6demo.infoblox.com username=dns6_admin # End of config file The end result means the following settings will be configured: grid_master = dns6demo.infoblox.com username = dns6_admin password = infoblox Multiple sections may exist in the configuration file. =item -d | --debug [] Enables debugging at the specified level or will increment the debugging level each time the option is included on the command line. =item --nodebug Disables debugging output. =item -v | --version Print version information for the script. =item -h | --help Print this summary =item --man Displays the complete manpage then exits gracefully. =back =head1 COMMON USAGE B Performs some action against the Infoblox demo system. =head1 REQUIRED ARGUMENTS All parameters have default values. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS Read the output messages or enable debugging with at least level 6. Debugging set to level 99 is the highest level. =head1 AUTHOR Don Smith (L) -- Author and Maintainer =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2010-2012 by Don Smith. All rights reserved. Anyone may modify this script for their own purposes. A little credit would be appreciated. Any changes or enhancements to this application should be sent to the AUTHOR(s). This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut ############################################################################# # # Change log # # 2010-04-04 : version 1 # # 2010-05-19 : added support for default.conf # # 2011-02-11 : added additional documentation # : added Infoblox connection code #