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Namespace UT contents are: {'USERNAME': '[redacted]', 'PROTOCOL': u'https', 'UUID': '7df6e149-0c57-41ad-8995-c0ca3bbd75e2', 'WAPIUSERNAME': u'aa-tannenbaumr', 'URI': u'', 'HOST': u'', 'EPOCH': '1549412557', 'TIME': '2019-02-06T00:22:37Z', 'PATH': u'', 'PASSWORD': '[redacted]', 'PORT': 443} [2019/02/05 16:22:37.270939] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Executing step assignSyncTime (1) [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271050] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Executing step stop_if_just_changed (1) [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271090] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Found a/an AND condition step! [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271177] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: == 2019-02-06T00:22 [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271210] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): The condition did not match! [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271245] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Executing step check_for_not_Lease (1) [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271279] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Found a/an AND condition step! [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271331] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: HOST_ADDRESS_IPV4 != LEASE [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271406] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: true == true [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271438] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): The condition matched! [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271461] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Executing the eval block [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271618] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): An error has occurred while processing a template [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271648] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Variable E:values sub-addressing cannot be executed successfully, please verify the indexes / keys passed are correct (last key tried: "<a complex substitution inner selector>" in "<a complex variable>") [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271718] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): The namespace E contains the following data {u'member_ip': u'', u'event_type': 'HOST_ADDRESS_IPV4', u'timestamp': u'2019-02-06T00:22:34Z', u'vnode_oid': 0, u'object_type': u'HostAddress', u'previous_values': {}, u'values': {u'host': u'test-forescout', u'ipv4addr': u'', u'_ref': u'record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQubm9uX0ROU19ob3N0X3Jvb3QuMC4xNTQ5NDEyNTU0MDg3LnRlc3QtZm9yZXNjb3V0LjEwLjQxLjguMTAu:', u'network_view': u'default', u'extattrs': {u'FS_Sync': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuNDEuOC4wLzI0LzA:'}, u'value': u'true'}, u'FS_Site': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuNDEuOC4wLzI0LzA:'}, u'value': u'Lab'}, u'Change Number': {u'value': u'12345678'}}}, u'member_name': u'wtc-ddi.ucsf.edu', u'operation_type': u'INSERT'} [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271785] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (DEBUG): Execution failed, retry if 0 < 0 [2019/02/05 16:22:37.271843] sdsc-ddi-01.ucsf.edu (WARNING): Template execution retry limit is reached.Event `{u'member_ip': u'', u'event_type': 'HOST_ADDRESS_IPV4', u'timestamp': u'2019-02-06T00:22:34Z', u'vnode_oid': 0, u'object_type': u'HostAddress', u'previous_values': {}, u'values': {u'host': u'test-forescout', u'ipv4addr': u'', u'_ref': u'record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQubm9uX0ROU19ob3N0X3Jvb3QuMC4xNTQ5NDEyNTU0MDg3LnRlc3QtZm9yZXNjb3V0LjEwLjQxLjguMTAu:', u'network_view': u'default', u'extattrs': {u'FS_Sync': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuNDEuOC4wLzI0LzA:'}, u'value': u'true'}, u'FS_Site': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuNDEuOC4wLzI0LzA:'}, u'value': u'Lab'}, u'Change Number': {u'value': u'12345678'}}}, u'member_name': u'wtc-ddi.ucsf.edu', u'operation_type': u'INSERT'}` is skipped