Script-Filter: $Vendor = "Cisco" and $sysdescr like /NX-OS/ ######################## Action: DHCP_VLAN Action-Commands: SET: $UpdateMade = "no" show run int vlan1101-1334 Output-Triggers: dhcp_check ######################## Trigger: dhcp_check Trigger-Description: Output of the dhcp configuration. Trigger-Variables: $dhcp ipaddress $vlan /\d{4}/ Trigger-Template: interface Vlan[[$vlan]] ip dhcp relay address [[$dhcp]] Trigger-Commands:{$UpdateMade eq "no"} DEBUG:config t SET: $UpdateMade = "yes" Trigger-Commands:{$UpdateMade eq "yes"} DEBUG:interface Vlan$vlan DEBUG:ip dhcp relay address DEBUG:ip dhcp relay address ############################# Action: Save Action-Commands:{$UpdateMade eq "yes"} DEBUG:end DEBUG:copy run start \r\r