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API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


Next available network from a specific segment space in a container

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Is it possible to allocate a network in a given container within a specific range using WAPI?


Let's say we have a container with no sub-containers.

But I want to specify a range where to allocate from, i.e. or

In other words, allocate next available network /27 from container within range.


As a (logical) range is not an object, I assume there is no way to do this.

So, my alternative thought was to querry all available networks in a given container and then find the first available network that is a subnet of a specific range.

Alas, cannot find such a function either.


I would appreciate any help or ideas


Thank you in advance



Re: Next available network from a specific segment space in a container

Posts: 181
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You can add a list of networks that need to be excluded like this:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46aW5mb2Jsb3g=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "_object_function": "next_available_network",
        "_parameters": {
            "exclude": ["",""],
        "_result_field": "networks",
        "_object": "networkcontainer",
        "_object_parameters": {
            "network": ""

If there is no reason to not do it, the simpler option would probably be to create network and fetch the next available /27 network within it.


If you want to query the next available networks in a network container, you can do using the following call:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46aW5mb2Jsb3g=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{




Re: Next available network from a specific segment space in a container

Posts: 12
2323     0

Worked for me!  Appreciate the solution.

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