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API Examples


WAPI Integration Failure: DHCP Lease Retrieval Comes Back With Blank Results from WAPI

Posts: 12
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I am trying to obtain a list of DHCP leases from inflobox for which I tried this command from WAPI reference docs, and it comes back empty handed -


$ curl -k1 -u <username>:<password> -X GET 'https://<ip_address>/wapi/v2.9.5/lease?_return_fields%2b=address,starts,ends,tstp,binding_state,hardware,uid&_return_as_object=1'
"result": []

And as you can see above it comes back empty ^^

I also tried another request for "networkview" which is in the list of supported objects in the schema seen further below and even that came back blank, as seen below -

$ curl -k1 -u <username>:<password> -X GET 'https://<ip_address>/wapi/v2.9.5/networkview?_return_type=xml-pretty'
<?xml version="1.0"?>

I printed out the schema supported by my inflobox version, which I have pasted below.
Does the below list of supported objects, support the retrieval of the dhcp leases? If not, what can I do to get the dhcp leases? Any tweaks/settings changes in inflobox that would allow me to obtain the dhcp leases?

$ curl -k -u <username>:<password> -X GET "https://<ip_address>/wapi/v1.0/?_schema"
    "requested_version": "1.0",
    "supported_objects": [
    "supported_versions": [


Re: WAPI Integration Failure: DHCP Lease Retrieval Comes Back With Blank Results from WAPI

Posts: 12
2968     0


Fixed in another post. It was a permissions issue. Thanks.

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