
Aria Automation 8.18 fails to create connection to InfoBlox 9.0.4

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Hello guys,

I need to integrate InfoBlox with my Aria Automation suite and I'm tryng to connect them using "Create IPAM connection" ( Aria Automation 8.18, Infoblox 9.0.4, plugin v 6.1 ) but it fails with error :


item: 'Create IPAM connection/item6', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'Can't find bundle for base name com.infoblox.ipam.messages, locale en_US (Workflow:Create IPAM connection / Save connection (item11)#2)'
workflow: 'Create IPAM connection' (ce57a2cd-fe8a-4f5a-a28f-6155d05301e8)
| 'attribute': name=attrErrorCode type=string value=Can't find bundle for base name com.infoblox.ipam.messages, locale en_US (Workflow:Create IPAM connection / Save connection (item11)#2)
| 'attribute': name=attrInputConnection type=InfobloxIPAM:IpamConnection value=dunes://'%5BNIOS9%5D%20InfoBlox'&dunesName='InfobloxIPAM:IpamConnection'
| 'attribute': name=attrCachedConnection type=InfobloxIPAM:IpamConnection value=__NULL__
| 'attribute': name=attrTestConnection type=InfobloxIPAM:IpamConnection value=dunes://'%5BNIOS9%5D%20InfoBlox'&dunesName='InfobloxIPAM:IpamConnection'
| 'attribute': name=attrSaveConnection type=string value=
| 'attribute': name=attrRefreshSslContext type=boolean value=true
| 'input': name=id type=string value=[NIOS9] InfoBlox
| 'input': name=url type=string value=**********************
| 'input': name=username type=string value=*********
| 'input': name=password type=SecureString value=*********
| 'input': name=priority type=number value=1.0
| 'input': name=apiType type=InfobloxIPAM:IpamApiType value=dunes://'WAPI'&dunesName='InfobloxIPAM:IpamApiType'
| 'output': name=ipamConnectionOut type=InfobloxIPAM:IpamConnection value=null
*** End of execution stack.


and dunno how to fix it ... could someone help me ? 


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