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[2018/06/13 08:59:50.810522] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: == 2018-06-13T13:59 [2018/06/13 08:59:50.810599] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The condition did not match! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.810679] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing step check_for_not_Lease (1) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.810762] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Found a/an AND condition step! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.810885] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: HOST_ADDRESS_IPV4 != LEASE [2018/06/13 08:59:50.811069] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: true == true [2018/06/13 08:59:50.811144] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The condition matched! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.811202] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing the eval block [2018/06/13 08:59:50.811544] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing step check_MAC (1) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.811633] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Found a/an AND condition step! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.811754] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: HOST_ADDRESS_IPV4 != LEASE [2018/06/13 08:59:50.811920] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: true == true [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812045] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: 12:34:56:78:91:23 != [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812120] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The condition matched! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812191] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing the eval block [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812316] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing step check_for_Lease (1) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812402] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Found a/an AND condition step! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812520] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: HOST_ADDRESS_IPV4 == LEASE [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812594] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The condition did not match! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812671] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing step stop_if_no_sync (1) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812752] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Found a/an AND condition step! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812875] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: true == false [2018/06/13 08:59:50.812948] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The condition did not match! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813027] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing step Goto for delete action (1) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813118] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Found a/an OR condition step! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813228] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: INSERT == DELETE [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813336] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: == RELEASED [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813442] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: == FREE [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813512] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The condition did not match! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813591] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing step check_for_Lease_go_for_Data (1) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813672] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Found a/an AND condition step! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813788] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Evaluating statement: HOST_ADDRESS_IPV4 != LEASE [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813861] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The condition matched! [2018/06/13 08:59:50.813922] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Jumping to to Get Discovery Data [2018/06/13 08:59:50.814008] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): We are jumping from step check_for_Lease_go_for_Data (#8), to Get Discovery Data (#13) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.814087] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing step Get Discovery Data (1) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.814777] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Sleeping for 0 seconds [2018/06/13 08:59:50.815020] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Sending a 'GET' request within connection: protocol='https', host='yyy.yyy.181.22', port='443', path='/wapi/v2.6/record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQuOS5taWwubmF2eS5zcGF3YXIub21hLmZzdGVzdGhvc3QuMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMTEu:yyy.yyy.176.11/fstesthost.mqt.maple.waffle.com/mqt?_return_fields=discovered_data', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Cookie': '[*********]', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': '[*********]'}, body='(no body)'. [2018/06/13 08:59:50.815146] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Request timeout is 30 [2018/06/13 08:59:50.886592] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Response status:200 reason:OK headers:{'date': 'Wed, 13 Jun 2018 13:59:50 GMT', 'connection': 'close', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'set-cookie': 'ibapauth="client=API,group=web-api-only,ctime=1528898390,timeout=900,mtime=1528898390,ip=yyy.yyy.181.26,auth=LOCAL,user=fsapi,bmq6VyKBlPCZOMchaITLZ+LINNjFrvv3HSg"; httponly; Path=/', 'content-type': 'application/json'} data:{"_ref": "record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQuOS5taWwubmF2eS5zcGF3YXIub21hLmZzdGVzdGhvc3QuMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMTEu:yyy.yyy.176.11/fstesthost.mqt.maple.waffle.com/mqt"} [2018/06/13 08:59:50.886719] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The previous endpoint request returned status 200 [2018/06/13 08:59:50.886802] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Parsing the endpoint message {'BODY': '{"_ref": "record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQuOS5taWwubmF2eS5zcGF3YXIub21hLmZzdGVzdGhvc3QuMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMTEu:yyy.yyy.176.11/fstesthost.mqt.maple.waffle.com/mqt"}', 'REASON': 'OK', 'RC': 200} [2018/06/13 08:59:50.887045] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The parsing output is {u'_ref': u'record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQuOS5taWwubmF2eS5zcGF3YXIub21hLmZzdGVzdGhvc3QuMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMTEu:yyy.yyy.176.11/fstesthost.mqt.maple.waffle.com/mqt'} [2018/06/13 08:59:50.887147] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Executing step Copy discovery_data for other records (1) [2018/06/13 08:59:50.887283] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): An error has occurred while processing a template [2018/06/13 08:59:50.887348] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Invalid variable P:discovered_data [2018/06/13 08:59:50.887443] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): The namespace P contains the following data {u'_ref': u'record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQuOS5taWwubmF2eS5zcGF3YXIub21hLmZzdGVzdGhvc3QuMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMTEu:yyy.yyy.176.11/fstesthost.mqt.maple.waffle.com/mqt'} [2018/06/13 08:59:50.887575] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (DEBUG): Execution failed, retry if 0 < 0 [2018/06/13 08:59:50.887770] ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com (WARNING): Template execution retry limit is reached.Event `{u'member_ip': u'yyy.yyy.181.22', u'event_type': 'HOST_ADDRESS_IPV4', u'vnode_oid': 0, u'object_type': u'HostAddress', u'previous_values': {}, u'values': {u'network_view': u'default', u'ipv4addr': u'yyy.yyy.176.11', u'mac': u'12:34:56:78:91:23', u'host': u'fstesthost.mqt.maple.waffle.com', u'extattrs': {u'NetReg SITC Username': {u'value': u'username@maple.waffle.com'}, u'NetReg Site': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMC8yNC8w:yyy.yyy.176.0/24/default'}, u'value': u'mqt'}, u'FS_Site': {u'value': u'Lab'}, u'NetReg Building': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMC8yNC8w:yyy.yyy.176.0/24/default'}, u'value': u'500'}, u'NetReg Ownership': {u'value': u'Commerical'}, u'VLAN': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMC8yNC8w:yyy.yyy.176.0/24/default'}, u'value': u'176'}, u'NetReg Physical Host': {u'value': u'hyper.mqt.maple.waffle.com'}, u'Environment': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMC8yNC8w:yyy.yyy.176.0/24/default'}, u'value': u'maple System Center Protected (SSCPE)'}, u'FS_RemediateOnEvent': {u'value': u'true'}, u'NetReg MAC Address': {u'value': u'00:00:00:00:00:00'}, u'NetReg Cost Center': {u'value': u'85P532290S'}, u'FS_Sync': {u'value': u'true'}, u'NetReg Room Number': {u'inheritance_source': {u'_ref': u'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMC8yNC8w:yyy.yyy.176.0/24/default'}, u'value': u'3G2'}, u'NetReg Administrator': {u'value': u'tim'}}, u'_ref': u'record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQuOS5taWwubmF2eS5zcGF3YXIub21hLmZzdGVzdGhvc3QuMTk4LjI1My4xNzYuMTEu:yyy.yyy.176.11/fstesthost.mqt.maple.waffle.com/mqt'}, u'member_name': u'ipam.mqt.maple.waffle.com', u'operation_type': u'INSERT'}` is skipped