Updated Bloxfest Training Class Information - Choose from 5 total classes!
Here are the updated training courses and information. Please note there are 5 to choose from at $99 per session, or $299 for 4 (a couple run in parallel).
Next-level DNS will help DNS administrators get the most out of their DNS deployments. Topics will focus on helping administrators to better analyze their environments for DNS best-practices and security. We will cover how DNSSEC validation can help you today even in environments that are unsigned.
Next-level DHCP will focus on DHCP advanced concepts such as DHCP Fingerprinting and lease history and how these can be used to help secure and enhance your environment. Finally we will look at how DHCP relates to best-practice DNS and IPAM.
Next-level IPAM will focus on architecting IPAM to mirror your organizational design. We will address how this best-practice IPAM design can take IPAM past the level of just IP addressing, allow users to tie information to all objects in the Infoblox database, and allow administrators to search, sort, and export based on any data mapped to those objects.
Maximize Your DDI with Add-ons will focus on the additional tools available to increase the efficiency and security of your Infoblox Implementation, including Network Insight for bringing port information and control to your IPAM as well as DNS Firewall and Advanced DNS Protection (ADP) for security.
NetMRI and Policy Compliance will show you how NetMRI can detect and correct deviations from approved configurations on your network devices. We’ll explain how NetMRI identifies violations to prescribed configuration policies and show you how to correct violations manually or in an automated fashion.
Get all the track details at bloxfest.com
I have registred and my registration shows "Full Conference", does this mean training is included or I have to pay $299 for training?
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Hi Haraj,
Thank you for the question. I've sent a PM to you directly with next steps.
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I would suggest distributing the presentation materials in advance. The materials can be printed in advance, this would help to take notes during the sessions on the printed slides.0
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