All connected internet lease Line link availability report.
Dear Team,
I have 50 ILL link providede by different ISP for which I want fetch link availability report from Infoblox like as Nagios.
Please help me is it possible or not.
Can you expand a bit on what you're using (product, version etc.,), if you've tried anything yet, etc.,? If you can add a bit more context for our team, that would be great. I'll also move the post to the corresponding location (topic area) once we hear back from you to ensure the right people view your post.
0 -
I would like to thank you for immediate response and I hope it will be
continue in future too.
I have more than 50 ILL connectivity which is connected through Sonicwall
firewall on remote location and I want to fetch availability (how much time
link was up and down) report of all these link for a customize period
through Infoblox net MRI tool.
Shailendra0 -
Thank you for the reply. I would recommend posting your questions in the dedicated forum area for the product or service. Your post is currently in the "community suggestions" area where most of the product and engineering folks do not frequent.
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