NIOS 8.4: Network Services on the Cutting-Edge
Your enterprise depends on your network and the heartbeat of your network is its core services: DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management. To keep your network healthy and efficient, these services must be dependable while staying up-to-date and adaptive to new requirements. 8.4 is the newest release of the Infoblox NIOS operating system. We added many capabilities to 8.4 by following the twin mandates of meeting emerging needs and answering specific requests from customers. NIOS 8.4 meets these goals as no other DDI solution does, or can.
Organizations moving towards the hybrid cloud recognize that their network and its core services should easily span different cloud service offerings. Unless they do, choices are limited and the full efficiencies of hybrid clouds are not captured. Infoblox DDI is already integrated with Microsoft Azure and AWS. NIOS 8.4 adds Google Cloud Platform to the stable of cloud integrations, giving users unique degrees of freedom for where and how they deploy their workloads.
Some new requirements are rooted in the need for efficiency. Single Sign-On solutions were designed to do that, and NIOS 8.4 lets network administrators now partake of its benefits. NIOS 8.4 supports SAML 2.0 so access to Infoblox DDI can be managed through an organization’s SSO service. Another efficiency boost in NIOS 8.4 comes from its VLAN Management feature. A network administrator can get a firm grasp of the VLAN landscape because NIOS 8.4, coupled with Network Insight, discovers actual VLAN usage which can then be compared to what had been assigned. Discrepancies are discovered and problems are avoided.
It is Infoblox’ practice to invite customers to guide product direction. As evidence of this, over 40 additional customer-driven enhancements are included in NIOS 8.4. Among them are:
- Native security of the NIOS platform was enhanced with advanced name and password management.
- The user interface has been updated yet does not create a learning curve for current NIOS users.
- Network Insight monitors network infrastructure using released “CVEs” and vendor lifecycle announcements, and it collects data about operating system of the devices it discovers.
- Many others that are described in the NIOS 8.4 Release Notes.
The benefits of 8.4 are significant and good reasons for current users to update NIOS and for others to assess the Infoblox DDI solution. Your Infoblox sales rep or reseller is happy to give you more information- just drop them a line.
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