Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome to Bloxfest From the Master of Ceremonies – Yours Truly
Chris Rock at the Oscars. LL Cool J at the Grammys. Andy Samberg at the Emmys. Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes.
What do I have in common with all of these big stars? Not much, though I’m honored to have been named master of ceremonies for Bloxfest, our first-ever customer conference taking place May 17 – 19 in Boston.
If you’ve ever listened to my “Ask Mr. DNS” podcast, first, my apologies, and second, you know I’m a fan of Siberian Huskies, science fiction and the Domain Name System. That might not make me ready for prime-time, but I’m working diligently on my one-liners and preparing to whip the crowd into a frenzy for all of the keynote presenters at Bloxfest: Jesper Andersen, our CEO; Scott Fulton, executive vice president for products; Ashish Gupta, our chief marketing officer; and Kevin Mitnick, the world’s most famous hacker. I’ll even give my own keynote presentation, although I’ll refrain from introducing myself.
But wait, as they say on late-night TV, there’s more! I’ll also be tackling your no-holds-barred questions on DNS during two track-session presentations. And I’ll be part of a book-signing soiree – autographing copies of “DNS and BIND” – alongside my colleagues Tom Coffeen, author of “IPv6 Address Planning;” and John Belamaric, co-author of “OpenStack Cloud Application Development.”
That’s entertainment. If you haven’t already got your ticket, it’s not too late – sign up at www.bloxfest.com, and you won’t miss a minute of the fun.
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