Sample Generic Perl Script For Use with DDI API
This script is a generic Perl script template that I created a while back so I could easily leverage a lot of the basic actions that I typically need when working with the API. I don't always need everything in it but it's easier to have one template to work from than a bunch of unique scripts.
Most of this is utility type functions for processing command line options, establishing a connection with the Grid Master and then having a spot for all of the "custom" code to perform specific operations. If there's interest, I'll post a couple of examples of specific tasks later.
Hey Eric, hope you're doing well. Thanks a mil for sharing that.
We're trying to compile a perl script that first does basic checks on the DDI box:
"Is DNS query disabled?"
"All the grid members up?"
"Is the time synced to the local NTP server?"
Then, does a dns query test that queries "all" their zones, outputs the results to a file, then does a comparison with another file that contains the expected output to verify they both match.
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Can anyone tell me how to post a new topic on the forum? I am trying to create a key
to allow me to login to the Infoblox wapi. I am running Infoblox 8.3. I have admin privs. But, I am completely unable to find out how to create a key. Clicking my username in the upper right, show only the Profile choice, nothing else. and trying to click the GSS Key manament is no help. I want to create a user key.
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