Not able to execute any workflows from VMWARE Vcolud Automation Center
Hi All,
I am not able to execute any ipam workflows from VCO. It throws the following error.
An error has occurred while adding a fixed address or reservation. Detail: Unknown extensible attribute: Cloud API Owned (Dynamic Script Module name : addReservation#29)
Any help appreciated.
I have the same issue. Did you find a solution to fix that?Regards,
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I just ran into this issue myself after testing an appliance version and vCO plug-in upgate for NIOS. I found that the later plug-in version (3.x) requires that two 'extensible attributes' need to be added to the IPAM configuration (Administration -> Extensible Attributes -> + (for adding a new attribute)).
- Cloud API Owned
- CMP type
For the way we're doing things with NIS, we're reserving both an IP address and hostname. If your requirements are the same make sure the following object class restrictions are enabled, or, configure no restrictions at all if you first want to troubleshoot:
- IPv4 Fixed/Reservation Address
- IPv6 Fixed Address
- Host
I hope this helps.
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