Get Automating with Infoblox DDI IPAM and Ansible - Technical Webinar
We are excited to co-present with RedHat. Sailesh Giri, Product Manager from Infoblox, will speak at the webinar.
Ansible + Infoblox => Better Automation
Ansible Engine 2.5 provides the initial enablement for the Infoblox DDI network services platform, with more to come in the forthcoming Ansible Engine 2.6 release. This webinar provides a detailed how-to for the Infoblox Ansible modules, as well as the associated lookup plugins. This webinar supplements the initial blog post with more detail as well as a live demo from Infoblox and Ansible experts.
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The joint Infoblox and Ansible webinar will cover the following
An in-depth presentation and a live demo including:
- An introduction to Infoblox (for the Ansible audience)
- A review of Ansible playbook coding of Infoblox DDI
- An introduction to Ansible (for the Infoblox audience)
- An overview of the Infoblox-Ansible integration
- A demonstration of the Ansible integration within NIOS
- An update on the support provided in the newly released Ansible 2.6
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