Webinar Jan 25, 2023: Visibility: A Critical Component for Network Security
Infoblox commissioned Forrester Consulting to explore the need for better visibility to improve network security. Forrester conducted an online survey with over 400 global IT leaders with responsibility for networking and security purchases. Forrester found that the visibility and integration of security and networking teams is critical to network security. Improved visibility allows decision-makers to improve their organizations’ network security and security response, automate their audit/compliance tasks, and better manage their network’s performance and capacity-planning needs. Join Infoblox VP of Product Marketing Anthony James and guest speaker, Andre Kindness of Forrester, to learn more.
● AMS region: January 25 at 10 am PST | 1 pm EST
● EMEA region: January 25 at 10 am GMT | 11 am CET | 3:30 pm IST
● APJ region: January 25 at 9 am SGT | 12 pm AEDT | 2 pm NZDT
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