Backup running config of Cisco switches and routers using tftp services.
Hello, How can I setup tftp service on grid to autoomatically backup switches configs.
Thank You
Best Answer
Configuring TFTP service is easy on NIOS. Please follow the steps mentioned under ' Configuring the TFTP Service ' from admin guide. Let us know if you have any specific difficulties in the same while configuring.
Regarding the automatic backup of switch configuration, you have to find a way as NIOS is not able to perform that minus the TFTP part. However, if you use NETMRI, you have such option.
Hope this helps. Let us know if you need any further info.
Using NetMRI for backups would give you a central point for all your devices. Allowing you to see which failed to be backupped. But there are alternatives.
For Cisco, you could do some cron job like thing with the embedded event manager.
For Juniper, there's the system archival configuration.
Other vendors might have similar features.
Also, Ansible might be worth looking into. It has a rather long list of supported network devices. Although it's not the main focus of Ansible, it might help.
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Duplicate/Restore the setup document from the TFTP server to a switch in advantaged mode which has an essential design tellpopeyes.
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