CSV Export All Subzones of one DNS Zone

Good morning,

Within the domain zone Default I have created a domain and within that domain I have subzones created.

The problem is that when I launch this request to the API:

       --tlsv1 \
       --insecure \
       -u "$ USERNAME: $ PASSWORD" \
       -H "Content-Type: application / json" \
       -X POST https: // $ SERVER / wapi / $ VERSION / fileop? _Function = csv_export \
       -d "{\" _ object \ ": \" allrecords \ ", \" type \ ": \" record: ALL \ ", \" view \ ": \" $ VIEW \ ", \" zone \ ": \ "$ ZONE \"} "\
       > $ OUTFILE

I only get what I have registered in Records but not what I have registered in Subzones.

How can I get this information?



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