Error during join process
New member is not able to join to Grid master. On member I see the next status:
"The hardware type is not allowed to join as a tagged vlan configured node"
But LAN and HA ports are configured as Untagged.
Are there any ideas of the reason?
Thank you in advance.
Best Answer
Check your settings on the Member element in the UI. Did you accidentally configure tagging there?
If that does not help, you might want to re-create the object, run 'reset all' on the member and try again.
If that doe not help, call Support.
Thank you for youir reply.
No, vlan is Untagged. We contacted with support and most likely the issue caused by SW version mismatch.
Member has a bit newer version than Grid master.
We are going to downgrade the member soon. I will update this topic after that.
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Indeed, I overlooked vlan tagging on Grid master. But anyway we cannot join member to Grid due to version mismatch.
Member HW version can run only on SW version newer than version we have on Grid master.
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