how to change BOOTP/PXE for a few hundred subnets
I've been tasked to change BOOTP/PXE-server for a few hundred subnets. I wonder if this is possible to to from a CSV file? If so - what attribute should be included - how would this CSV look like and how would I go about doing such thing? Any help would be appreciated but a step-by-step guide wouldn't be bad at all. Thanks a million!
I know this is a rookie question but currently I am an Infoblox rookie so I hope anyone could devote a little time to help me out.
Kind regards
Yes, using the CSV would be the ideal method to achieve this, to makes things easy, I would say make the required changes for one network and from the Export the DHCP networks in "Export data in InfobloxCSV import function" and copy the data for said columns for other networks as well. In this case, the columns would be next_server, boot_file, boot_server
Also, you might want to add the CSV in multiple steps to go easy on your GM.
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Yes, using the CSV would be the ideal method to achieve this, to makes things easy, I would say make the required changes for one network and from the Export the DHCP networks in "Export data in InfobloxCSV import function" and copy the data for said columns for other networks as well. In this case, the columns would be next_server, boot_file, boot_server
Also, you might want to add the CSV in multiple steps to go easy on your GM.
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