I cannot see the DNS tab under the data management tab
Hi there,
I am a new user of Infoblox appliances, so I want to have some practice, I recently requested for a demo I downloaded it and followed the steps in this quick start guide https://www.infoblox.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/vnios-trial-quick-start-guide_1.pdf?utm_source=blox-community&utm_campaign=community-q2
I got the following problems
1.-I cannot see the loading a demo data set referred in the step 10.
2.-I cannot see the DNS tab under the data management tab.
Jesus Garcia.
Best Answer
Hi Jesus,
The trial VMs contains the option to load a sample data set. However the standard image file from the support site do not have this option available. Alternatively, you can create few networks and some zones with records via the wizards in the GUI to populate some data so that you can test it.
Regarding the DNS tab, could you confirm if the DNS license is installed? You can check that by logging into the CLI of the appliance and tyep "show license" to verify the licenses installed.
Hope this helps!
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