Infoblox Acquires Internet Associates
Infoblox recently announced its acquisition of Internet Associates, a software and consultancy company based in Atlanta, Georgia. We here in the IPv6 Center of Excellence are very excited about this acquisition for a number of reasons.First of all, we’re really looking forward to working with the IA team.
Kenny Burroughs has already joined us in the IPv6 Center of Excellence as an IPv6 Evangelist. He’ll be introducing himself in a future blog post.
John Lee, is an IPv6 expert and responsible for much of the scoping of the IA software (see below). He'll be joining our Infoblox federal team as well as helping us drive requirements for new and improved IPv6 features in our product and feature set.
As their Instructional Designer, Angela Schneider was responsible for development of technical curriculum and training at IA. She’ll be acting in a similar role at Infoblox.
Sean Drun was principal software developer at IA and we welcome him to the Infoblox engineering staff.
Secondly, IA has, through their proprietary software, developed an incredibly flexible and extensible IP address (and ASN) management platform. This software not only fully supports IPv6, but it has been developed in close operational coordination over the past decade with key, large federal enterprises that have been early and deep adopters of IPv6. The results are compelling and we’re looking forward to integrating their patented technology to expand our existing IPAM functionality and network automation.
You’ll be hearing much more about these additions and improvements on the IPv6 CoE blog in the weeks and months to come so stay tuned...
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