BloxOne Endpoint for Windows and MacOS - Coming in February
Throughout the month of February, a new version of the BloxOne Endpoint for Windows and MacOS will automatically be upgraded for customers.
The version 2.4.6 upgrade strengthens security while expanding management capabilities by changing the authentication flow to use Join Tokens in Windows and MacOS environments. This allows customers to minimize risks, such as unauthorized access in case of an install package leak, while managing endpoint access to the Cloud Service Portal.
The same Join Token can be used to deploy endpoints for Linux, as well as iOS and Android devices, using the BloxOne Mobile Endpoint.
Reminder: Customers can schedule and/or defer software updates for a time that’s most convenient in order to help minimize the potential business impact an interruption may cause. Customers can also reach out to Infoblox Support for additional details.
*Subscribe to the Infoblox Status Page to receive real-time notifications on maintenance upgrades.
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