Please fix support downloads page!!
I really hate the latest version of the downloads page on the support website! There are too many drop downs and radio buttons. If I could select them once, that would be one thing! But to download a NIOS release, then download the documentation, you have to select NIOS, active releases, the version you want, then finally get back to the files and documents. When you click on a link, you are sent to a new page (sometimes after accepting the legal crap). After you download, you click to go back to the download page and start all over with the same questions... again...
Not sure why, but for some reason, if I try to download too many documents or files (I use Chrome), I start getting the error below and get redirected to an internal support login page.
The requested page "/support-downloads" could not be found.
Please, please, please, have someone look at the page as if i might download a dozen files (the binary, a few virtuals, and almost all of the PDFs) and not just a single file!!!!
Thanks for your consideration!
Jerry Leveillee
Global Network Services
Principal Architect, Data Network Architecture and Product Strategy
Thanks for the feedback! I'll certainly forward this to the appropriate people in the Support organization. Appreciate the feedback, and please let us know if there's anything else (good or bad) we can help with!
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