Import Static IP Reservation via CSV?
I've been struggling trying to automate the static, dhcp, network creations via CSV on Infoblox 6.10 (I am using the csv import reference).
I have successfully imported networks from a csv using:
I have not had any luck importing static devices using
- Header-FixedAddress,name,domain_name,ip_address,comment,EA-LocationID
FixedAddress,usmnhsw0gnao-vlan100,zahsys.corp,,default gateway,usmnh
FixedAddress,USMHN1MVPDC001,,,Domain Controller,usmnh- Error:"Line 2: Insertion aborted due to Enter a valid MAC address." -- static reservation, not a m-dhcp.
Arecord,usmnhsw0gnao-vlan100.zahsys.corp,,default gateway,usmnh
Arecord,,,Domain Controller,usmnh-
Error:"Line 2: Insertion aborted due to The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here... I just want to register some IP Addresses and with an arecord and possibly a ptr record which I tried header-ptrrecord
- Header-PTRrecord,dname,address,comment,EA-LocationID
PtrRecord,,,Domain Controller,usmnh
For the fixed address import, the mac_address field is required. Just use 00:00:00:00:00:00 for the mac address of the devices and they will be imported as reservations.
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Sorry for the stupid questions but I've been using QIP for years and still pretty new to Infoblox. Trying to understand the logic.
For a static IP reservation (servers mainly) but I'll want to be able to lookup by the FQDN and reverse so which way do I proceed?
- FixedAddress
- Arecord and a PtrRecord
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It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. My employer still uses AD for DNS so all we need to take into account are fixed addresses (reservations) to track our ip assignments. If you are using Infoblox for both IPAM and DNS, then you may just want to leverage the single host record as it automatically takes care of the forward record, reverse record, and ip assignment.
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Thanks, that helps.
AD Managed DNS (basically windows machines), utilized the FixedAddress
Non-AD Managed DNS, utilize the hostrecord option.
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Not sure if it helps anyone but what I decided to do and what seems to work best for our environment is:
Anything windows is a member of the AD domain which handles all arecords so in Infoblox I just create a PtrRecord
Everything else gets an arecord and a PtrRecord created.
Been working out great.
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