Missing Microsoft Servers tab

I was starting to work on intergrating Inforblox with our Microsoft servers and I"m trying to add the servers to be managed, but under the Grid tab there isn't a tab for Microsoft Servers.

Best Answer

  • jfigueira
    Answer ✓

    Hi tyler, in a majority of the cases, the Microsoft tab appears when at least one Grid Member has the Microsoft Management license installed. It appears like you are evaluating Infoblox at the moment, so you should be able to install this license by running the set temp_license command on one of the appliances or VMs you are running, and choose the number for the appropriate option (the options tend to be self-explanatory).


    You may also want to contact your Infoblox Systems Engineer, or if you are not yet working with one, please feel free to send me a message with your contact information and I will direct it to where it should go.


    I hope this helps and have fun!


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