Dirty Little Secret in Virtualization: Manual Processes Kill Speed and Agility
Almost every organization understands the benefits for cloud of automating storage and compute, but here are three questions to ask yourself when it comes to the network.
* Are your VMs available across the organization as fast as your boss thinks they should be?
* Is there finger pointing between the network and server teams when dealing with virtualization?
* When was the last time you cleaned up destroyed VMs?
If you answered no, yes, and never, you should attend our webinar to highlight how
Infoblox DDI and VMware vRealize Automation together can help enterprises and service providers:
* Simplify IP address management with intelligent automation
* Automate IPAM in VMware and across hybrid clouds
* Provision DNS as part of the VMware automation workflow
* Clean up destroyed VMs automatically
During the webinar, I will show how Infoblox out-of-the-box integration with VMware vRealize Automation can automatically provision and de-provision VM IP address and DNS host records in minutes. I’ll also demonstrate how easy it is to scale VMs up and down and how to automatically provision an NSX load balancer.
Join me on Tuesday, Ocober 4 at 1 PM Eastern, 10 AM Pacific for a 45-minute webinar that will show you how to utilize your IT resources more efficiently. Register here.
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