Demo data in latest OVA?
Hi there!
I'm an absolute newbie with DDI, so apologies if this is common knowledge.
I just downloaded the latest OVA (nios-7.2.6-316673-2016-02-18-14-00-10-160G-820) and started it up successfully on VMware. I can log in to the WebUI with default un/pw.
My question is: the "quick start" whitepaper ( refers to loading a demo data set, but I can't seem to do it: step 10 on page 5 refers to a data configuration page that I can't find.
Can anyone help? My objective is to load the demo data as I start to get familiar with the API.
Many thanks!
Best Answer
Hi Fernando,
Did you load the actual vNIOS trial VM or one of the standard vNIOS OVAs? The trial VM contained the option to load a sample data set while the standard images do not have this available. You can, however, easily create a few networks and some zones with records via the wizards in the UI to quickly populate some data for you to test with.
If you do have the trial version, you can launch the setup wizard (which contains the configuration options) via the Grid tab and under the drop down for 'Grid Properties' under the Tool Bar you will find 'Setup Wizard'.
I hope that helps!
I downloaded one of the standard vNIOS OVAs. It's OK, I am making my way through it now.
For reference, where is the "trial OVA" located? When I went on the "try now" option, I got the full OVA after registering.
Many thanks!
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It does sound like you followed the process to retrieve the "trial" version. We will have to follow up internally to determine if the virtual image was updated or if there is another location for the version containing the demo data option.
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I'm having the same problem, I downloaded this OVA file nios-7.3.201-329349-2016-05-24-18-24-38-160G-810 but I could not see the oading a demo data set step described in the "quick start" whitepaper, so I requested for a demo Infoblox DDI, I got this demo version:
Infoblox DDI TE-V820 IB-VM-820 160GB OVA I downloaded, but the same happened.
When the Initial set up finishes I cannot see the DNS and DHCP configuration options under the data management tab.
Jesus Garcia
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