Cloud Provisioning Widget 1.31
A simple web widget that has been designed to run from Infoblox HTTP File Distribution and provide a GUI to provision Host records. This simulates the functionality of the Infoblox Cloud Automation Plug-ins that have been created for Vmware, Microsoft, Openstack and others by populating Cloud associated Extensible Attributes. The widget makes use of the WAPI and also provides an example of how the API and simple html/jscript can be leveraged to create a custom portal to interact with NIOS. This widget was created by the SE community and is NOT supported by Infoblox. Read the associated guide for full installation and setup instructions. This is an update which now includes:
- Ability to specify IP address to run the widget’s WAPI calls against
- Improved error responses
Version 1.41 of the Cloud Provision Widget contains the following new features:
Create multiple “pseudo VM” host records in a single operation with an incrementing suffix
Retrieve and select a Network View and DNS View from the Grid database
Create Cloud associated Networks or multiple Networks in a single operation leveraging the next available network from a specified Network Container
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