
Fetching top level containers

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I was wondering if there is a way to fetch just top level network containers

the /wapi/vX/networkcontainer query returns for the top ones something like this

    "_ref": "networkcontainer/abc:", 
    "comment": "comment", 
    "network": "", 
    "network_container": "/", 
    "network_view": "default"

Unfortunatelly my attempts at filtering using network_container field failed - anyone aware of a value for network_container (or any other field for that matter) that I can use to get just those?


Re: Fetching top level containers

New Member
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To fetch just the top-level network containers, you can try filtering the API response where the "network_container" field is set to "/".

Re: Fetching top level containers

New Member
Posts: 2
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That was pretty obvious to me as well Smiley Wink just ...

{ "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Bad value for network_container: '/'",
  "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
  "text": "Bad value for network_container: '/'"
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