
WAPI Conundrum - Multiple EAs and Inheritance

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Greetings Community -


I've been working on my own WAPI script in Bash, and I've been successful in updating multiple seperate EA's in one request with my own values. However, when I want the values to be inherited from the network above it I am at a loss.


curl -k1 -u "userID":"password" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{''"ipv4addrs"':[{'"use_for_ea_inheritance"': true,'"ipv4addr"':'"func:nextavailableip"':'""','"configure_for_dhcp"':false}],
'"Device Type"':{'"value"':'"Virtual"'},


Whenever I add these inheritance options I start running into errors with the JSON; anyone got any reccomendations to make this smoother?


I've considered a workaround where I utilize the CSV import function to force inheritance after the fact, or use the CSV import for the entirety by building a CSV file for each set of changes and pushing it to the WAPI to run. That feels a bit like surrender though; I'd really rather figure this out.





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