
Workflow 2.2.0-PR1

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The Workflow app is an interface that wraps around the infoblox 'Scheduled tasks' controls, to let users submit changes to the IPAM information, have them reviewed, and then get those changes published at a later date.

The system follows a basic model of: Request -> Review -> Publish

New features in this release include:

  • Fully customizable interface and standalone objects
  • SWIP (ARIN & RIPE ) support
  • Discovery scheduling
  • Discovered address management
  • Bulk move of objects
  • Features of the workflow snapin include:

Offer simple tasks to non users

  • Assign Request, Review, or Publish roles
  • Add, Modify and Delete records
  • Manage DNS records, Networks and Reservations
  • Schedule changes for a later date
  • Email notifications to users and groups
  • All transactions recorded in the audit log
  • A Fully customizable interface

Installation and Learning More For more information, browse the Workflow User's Manual.

Where is the .snap file?

Posts: 1
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Workflow installation guide: 

  1. Select the Workflow .snap file and then click Open. The path to the Workflow .snap file appears in the Select a snap file box. 

But where is the .snap file? in the package:

Workflow 2.2.0-PR1

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