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Ansible : add alias to an existing host record

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I'm able to create a host with an alias using Ansible (based on api rest nios_host_record).

For example, following playbook works perfectly :

    - name: configure an ipv4 host record
        name: HOST-NAME
          - address: IP-ADDRESS
          - HOST-ALIAS
        state: present
        view: "myView"
        provider: "{{nios_provider}}"


Now, I have a host created (with 0, 1 or N aliases) and I just want to add a new alias to this host.

The problem is I don't find how to do it.

If I use the same code and only change "HOST-ALIAS" (to put a new one) ansible says that "HOST-NAME" already exists and generate an error (because nios_host_record wants to create a host record).


So how can I simply create a new alias for an existing host record ?


Thank you.

Re: Ansible : add alias to an existing host record

New Member
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Hello, were you able to solve this. I am facing the same problem.

Re: Ansible : add alias to an existing host record

[ Edited ]
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For anyone that is interested in how to do this, the below examples are provided for before/after Ansible collections. At least this is what I had discovered.

To run this, you would just need to provide the two extra variables during runtime.

- name: host alias management
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    # ALIAS - Ansible 2.9 not using collections
    # Fetching the host record IP is required for this nios module prior to collections as it is required for modifying host records
    - name: fetch host record
        host: "{{ lookup('nios', 'record:host', filter={'name': host_record}, provider=nios_provider) }}"

    - name: print host record ip address
        var: host.ipv4addrs[0].ipv4addr

    - name: add alias on existing host record
        name: "{{ host_record }}"
          - address: '{{ host.ipv4addrs[0].ipv4addr }}'
          - "{{ host_alias }}"
        state: present
        provider: "{{ nios_provider }}"

    # # ALIAS - Ansible 2.10+ using collections
    # - name: add alias on existing host record
    #   community.general.nios_host_record:
    #     name: "{{ host_record }}"
    #     aliases:
    #       - "{{ host_alias }}"
    #     state: present
    #     provider: "{{ nios_provider }}"

Re: Ansible : add alias to an existing host record

New Member
Posts: 3
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Hi Team,

Add host alias is working as expected. Can you also let us know what to do if we want to remove only alias from that host records
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