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How to get Number of DNS records using Rest API

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Hi Everyone,

I am using REST API to get the DNS records details from InfoBlox and below is the API I am using



From the result returned I am using "next_page_id" field to make further calls to the API. The next api  calls looks like this

https://{{grid_master}}/wapi/v2.7/record:host?_max_results=1000&_paging=1&_return_as_object=1&_page_id=" + next_page_id 


Now my issue is I am unable to get the total DNS records present in the grid master via API, so that I can limit the number of calls I can make. Can anyone let me know how can I get the total number of DNS records present in the grid?




Re: How to get Number of DNS records using Rest API

New Member
Posts: 6
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I don't think you are looking for the number of records. You just want to know what next page is and keep parsing thought them. 


Something like this might work (this is for devices that are discovered). 


### Get the first set of devices and a page ID
curl -s -k -u $MYUID:$PASS 'content-Type: application/json' -X GET "https://${IBGM}/wapi/v2.12.2/discovery:device?_paging=1&_return_as_object=1&_max_results=100"  >$TMPFILE 
NEXT=$(egrep "next_page_id" $TMPFILE | awk -F\" '{print $4}')
egrep '"address": "' $TMPFILE | awk -F\" '{print $4}' >>$OUTFILE

### If NEXT is exists, then use that to get next page
while [ -n $NEXT ] ; do
	curl -s -k -u $MYUID:$PASS 'content-Type: application/json' -X GET "https://${IBGM}/wapi/v2.12.2/discovery:device?_paging=1&_return_as_object=1&_max_results=100&_page_id=$NEXT"| >$TMPFILE
	NEXT=$(egrep "next_page_id" $TMPFILE | awk -F\" '{print $4}')
	egrep '"address": "' $TMPFILE | awk -F\" '{print $4}' >>$OUTFILE
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