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I am using the VMware provided InfoBlox plugin for Aria Automation v8 and I am having issues...

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I am using the VMware provided InfoBlox plugin for Aria Automation v8 which uses a set of ABX actions to perform tasks against thh InfoBlox WAPI v2.7. There are 3 properties that I can configure to limit the scope of the plugins data collection within InfoBlox, they are as follows:




We would like to use these to limit the scope to the network view in InfoBlox which is tenant specific and also a shared network view in InfoBlox.

We have so far been unable to make the OR condition work.


e.g. network_view=tenant1000 or network_view=shared


If someone has a working example of how to do this I would be very grateful as its infuriating...


The documentation provided by VMware is fairly limited

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