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API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


Need a "Next Available Container" API call

Posts: 7
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Hi is there a "next_available_container" call similar to "next_available_network" or "next_available_ip".


I need this function in particular instead of Network, it needs to be Container.


Alternatively is there anyway of just retreiving the "next_available_network" without creating it? i.e using the GET method instead of POST. I could then use the retrieved CIDR to create a Container.



Re: Need a "Next Available Container" API call

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New Member
Posts: 1
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I need this function too. Since as Infoblox Terraform provider does not have "next_available_container" I want to know if there is an API call for this.

Re: Need a "Next Available Container" API call

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New Member
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I'd also be very interested in this

Re: Need a "Next Available Container" API call

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Posts: 7
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I found two ways in the end, I should have updated that here.


Imagine you need to only check (not create) the "Next Available Network" with a netmask of /24 from parent container


curl -k -u admin:infoblox -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST "https://gridmaster/wapi/v2.12/request" -d '[{"method": "GET","object": "networkcontainer","data": {"network":"192.168.0/16"},"assign_state": {"netw_ref": "_ref"},"discard": true},{"method": "POST","object":"##STATE:netw_ref:##","args": {"_function": "next_available_network"},"data": {"cidr":24,"num":1},"enable_substitution": true}]'

While it uses the post method, nothing is created, it uses the "Request Object":*16zvlrb*....

This method is best as you will see the alternative relies on knowing the reference of the parent container.




curl -k -u admin:infoblox -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST "https://gridmaster/wapi/v2.12/networkcontainer/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmtfY29udGFpbmVyJDE5Mi4xNjguMC4wLzE2LzA:" -d '{"cidr":24,"num":1}'

Again the post method is used but nothing is created.


Of course with either method you can then create a Network Container using the output of the initial curl.

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