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NIOS 8.5 Cisco ISE Integration

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Hi all


I am trying to create an integration between Infoblox and Cisco ISE, but as this is a quite new way to make the ingetration i have not been able to find much documentation. Does anyone have any documentation on how to create this integration?


NIOS 8.5.1

Cisco ISE


Right now I have created the outbound ISE endpoint, but i have no template or notification rule. Does anyone have that?


Br, Kasper



Re: NIOS 8.5 Cisco ISE Integration

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Hi Kasper,


I got at least the certificate based authentication working using this (quite old) document:


It is important that you create the certificates within ISE.


There is also a chapter in the Infoblox admin guide.


Hope that helps.



Re: NIOS 8.5 Cisco ISE Integration

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I have tried to use the old guides and I think I have a part of the solution working. 


I got the outbound endpoint configured and it looks like Infoblox can talk to ISE (working with the 'Test Connection' button). Now I need the Templates to use under Notification and Session Management.


Do you or anyone else have tried to make this kind of integration? 


Br, Kasper

Re: NIOS 8.5 Cisco ISE Integration

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Did you ever foud out how this is supposed to work ?

I'm in the same kind of configuration and wondering if we do have to build the notification rules and templates ourselves, or if Infoblox is delivering a package for this ?


Thanks for your feedback.






Re: NIOS 8.5 Cisco ISE Integration

Posts: 47
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You will need to build the notification rules yourself

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