
Do you use multi cloud?

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I mean using services from more than just AWS but also Google, Azure in same project/system. For example using AWS EC2 S3 Lambda and mixes with CloudSQL from Google.

Re: Do you use multi cloud?

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You're referring to a multi-cloud architecture, where you use services from multiple cloud providers (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) within the same project or system. This approach allows you to: my sedgwick


  • Leverage the strengths of each cloud provider
  • Avoid vendor lock-in
  • Optimize costs and performance
    In your example, you're combining AWS services (EC2, S3, Lambda) with Google Cloud's CloudSQL, showcasing a hybrid cloud strategy. This approach requires careful planning, management, and integration but can offer greater flexibility and resilience.

Re: Do you use multi cloud?

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Thanks for this post.
Best Regards

Re: Do you use multi cloud?

[ Edited ]
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@Linakeshnjmc wrote:

I mean using services from more than just AWS but also Google, Azure in same project/system. For example using AWS EC2 S3 Lambda and mixes with CloudSQL from Google.

Yes, it's possible to use AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure together in the same project. This is known as a multi-cloud architecture.
You can integrate services like AWS EC2, S3, Lambda, with Google Cloud's CloudSQL, or other Azure services, by using APIs, SDKs, and networking solutions to ensure they work together seamlessly.
Hope! it would be helpful.

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