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Workflow ticket number API

[ Edited ]
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Hello, I have a workflow in place which means I need to approve the requests. When I try to create a network for instance I cannot create it because the ticket number is a mandatory field but I cannot find a way to pass this my script:


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST 'https://-------------/wapi/v2.10/network' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
	"network": "", 
	"network_view": "default",
	"comment": "Honolulu Datacenter", 
	"extattrs": {
		"EDM": {
			"value": "1010"
		"TAM": {
			"value": "2020"

"code": "Client.Ibap.Data",
"text": "Approval is required for this operation. You must enter a comment and/or a ticket number."

Re: Workflow ticket number API

New Member
Posts: 5
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Did anyone get through this error, I am struggling to have this error cleared for my use case. Any directions on this one will be helpful.

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