
Cannot replay capture file

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Installed the test environment for DNS FW.  I have done a packet capture via the Grid Manager on a DNS server.  When I upload the traffic capture file and run it in the test environment I get an error message.  Any suggestion on how to fix this issue?  I also tried to upload the syslog I downloaded via Grid Manager and that did not work, either!


--- 2015-03-02 13:56:01 ---

Check Testbed:

Grid Master connection for DNSFW is OK

Reporting member connection is OK

DNS service is OK

NTP service is OK

Reporting service is OK

RPZ feed is synchronized


--- 2015-03-02 14:08:33 ---

File traffic.cap has been successfully uploaded


--- 2015-03-02 14:08:55 ---

Play PCAP file 'traffic.cap' with DNS IP

Filtering pcap file...

reading from file /opt/uploads/packet_captures/traffic.cap, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked)

Rewriting dst ip/mac of packets in pcap file...


Fatal Error in tcpedit.c:tcpedit_packet() line 114:

From ./plugins/dlt_linuxsll/linuxsll.c:dlt_linuxsll_encode() line 219:

DLT_LINUX_SLL plugin does not support packet encoding

Error rewriting dst ip/mac

Hi Jerry,

Posts: 26
9761     0

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for posting your question.  I've reached out to a few people internally that should be responding shortly.  Feel free to reach out directly if needed to: erics @ infoblox (dot) com




Hi Jerry, Spoke with one of our folks who recommended doi...

Posts: 26
9761     0


Hi Jerry,

Spoke with one of our folks who recommended doing the following.  Please let us know if this resolved the issue for you.

1.  Convert the pcap file from LINUX_SLL to EN10MB format using tcprewrite:

tcprewrite --dlt=enet --infile=<input-pcapfile> --outfile=<output-pcapfile>


Then you should be able to upload the converted pcap file to the GuideVM and retry the playback.

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