
Showing container´s Comments while viewing IPAM's Net Map ?

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Is it possible to view the Comment field while doing a mouse-over on the network and containers in the Net Map screen?

We are using IPAM Express before moving to the grid. And we are using the comment field to have a quick view of the companies and departments that are using the networks inside the containers.

Viewing this comment in the Net Map screen would be very helpful.

Is this something that we cannot see in IPAM Express, but that we might be able to see on the Trinzic apps?




Posts: 26
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Thank you for the post, and appreciate the image for context.  I've reached out to a few folks in order to help.  If you've already resolved this, please let us know!



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Thanks Eric,

No, I haven't been able to resolve this yet. But I am still only working with IPAM express, not directly with the Trinzics.

In the picture, underneath "Number of Networks: 1" .. that's where it would be great to have the comment field displayed.. Smiley Happy

And, speaking of "number of networks" .. since the IPAM utilization in that particular "/12" block is 93% .. it is obviously divided into a number of smaller networks.  So, shouldn't that "number of networks" number be the sum of the sub-networks defined within the container?

I always see that number been "1" in every container.

Thanks for all the help, Eric.


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