Webinar: Securing Your Hybrid Workplace
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● AMS region: Apr. 15 at 11am PDT | 2pm EDT
So your organization, like most, have realized that work from anywhere is here to stay for a while. As companies start to look at a hybrid workplace model, where 10 or 20% of their workforce start to come back to the offices, a new set of challenges will arise. And topping that list is how to provide consistent security that follows the employee, whether he is working from home or in the office. The accelerated shift from HQ/DC centric model to a distributed, edge to cloud model has placed new demands on IT, especially when it comes to security. Data, applications and users are everywhere and the broader use of cloud and SaaS has increased the attack surface, while placing a heavy burden on already strained SecOps teams.
Join this webinar to learn how hybrid security can:
- Provide ubiquitous visibility for the borderless enterprise
- Deliver consistent protection for your hybrid workforce while ensuring business continuity
- Improve SecOps productivity through automated data sharing
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