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General Security & Cybersecurity Ecosystem


Web Server Reverse Proxy Detection Vulnerability

[ Edited ]
New Member
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Hi Team,


one of my project , client scan all DDI Environment and send to to me the following vulnerability


  • The remote web server seems to allow any anonymous user to use it as a reverse proxy.  This may expose internal services to potential mapping and, henceforth, compromise and the solution should be Disable or restrict access the reverse proxy

anyone face this before ?



Re: Web Server Reverse Proxy Detection Vulnerability

[ Edited ]
New Member
Posts: 3
1772     0

@imorsyhappyhour wrote:

Hi Team,


one of my project , client scan all DDI Environment and send to to me the following vulnerability


  • The remote web server seems to allow any anonymous user to use it as a reverse proxy.  This may expose internal services to potential mapping and, henceforth, compromise and the solution should be Disable or restrict access the reverse proxy

anyone face this before ?



Yes, this vulnerability indicates that your web server is configured as a reverse proxy, allowing unauthorized access to internal services. To address this issue, you should disable the reverse proxy feature or restrict access to it by implementing proper authentication and authorization measures.

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