
Call for user test participants

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Hi Everyone,


I'm Rob Lee and I'm the manager of the User Experience (UX) department at Infoblox. We want to make the best software available for our users and we have several tools we utilize to reach that goal. One of those tools is user research. So I'm excited to announce that we are getting everything set up to do continuous testing and validation of ideas and designs to make sure we're delivering the right solution for the right problem.


Do you want to be part of our testing panel? Check out the information below, if you're interested please fill out the form at this address:


Thank you for your interest!


What is this exactly?

As a user test participant you may receive invitations to participate in user research studies.


What is a user research study?

That's a loaded question and has several answers. User research studies include prototype testing, product testing, focus groups, one-on-one interviews, etc. The most typical activity is prototype testing.


Prototype testing involves using a pre-release design for a new feature or feature enhancement. Prototype tests can have varying levels of fidelity from paper print-outs to fully coded proofs of concept. Mostly we'll be using static image prototypes built in Adobe XD. You'll be given a scenario and tasks to perform. While performing those tasks you'll comment on your experience and the design overall.


An important thing to keep in mind is that we are testing the software design, not you! If a majority of our users can't complete a task then we need to go back to the drawing board before we get to delivering it.


Where does this feedback go?

The UX team monitors and reviews all tests. We read and listen to all the feedback and report this feedback to our product managers and software engineers. We take the test results and feedback seriously and as a result may make changes to the direction of our solution designs.


Will this take a lot of time?

No. Our test cadence is unlikely to be more than 2 or 3 tests a month. Each test may require a different persona or skill set so you may not be elligible for every test. When you do participate in a study, they typically last around 15 minutes.

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