
Infoblox Network Insight vs discovery license

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Dear Team ,


I'm pretty confused and would like to know what the difference is between the Infoblox Network Insight and Discovery license.


Thank you 

Re: Infoblox Network Insight vs discovery license

Posts: 61
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NIOS comes with some basic discovery capability (basically a slightly smarter version of NMAP).

However, "Network Insight" (also called "Network Discovery") is a dedicated appliance (or multiple appliances) connected to the NIOS Grid that can probe routers/switches/firewalls and pull in data such as switch port configuraiton, VLAN's, IP's attached, MAC addresses, etc.


Network Insight is used to make the IPAM data in the NIOS Grid authoratative (it shows you what is on the network rather than simply what you "think" is on the network)

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