
IPAM reserve ranges Reciaim

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I want to delete the address ranges I previously reserved but reciaim button does not appear active in toolbar. How can I delete can you help


Best regards



Re: IPAM reserve ranges Reciaim

Posts: 45
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Hi Burak,


Sorry for the delayed response. The reclaim tool is usually for IP addresses and associated objects. To delete a range (like a DHCP range), the task must be done from the DHCP tab/networks. Select the range and then it can be deleted using the garbage can icon. A network range or a network can be deleted from the Data Management/ IPAM/ List view. Click in the checkbox to the left of the network that you want to delete and then click on the garbage can icon. AN IP address reservation or an IPv4 fixed address can be reclaimed. For more information, a section in the Admin Guide addresses this process:

Reclaiming Objects Associated with IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses

You can use the reclaim IP function to delete all objects, except the active DHCP lease, that are associated with a selected IP address. To delete a DHCP lease, use the clear lease function as described in Clearing Active DHCP Leases. When you reclaim an IP address, Grid Manager deletes the associated objects and puts them in the Recycle Bin, if enabled. You can reclaim any used and unmanaged IP addresses. You can also select multiple IP addresses for this function. After you reclaim an IP address, the address status changes to Unused. You can then reassign the IP address to other objects. For example, when you reclaim a fixed address, Grid Manager deletes the fixed address object and puts it in the Recycle Bin. When you reclaim an IP address that is associated with a host record and the address is the only address in the host, Grid Manager deletes the host record.
Grid Manager deletes all the objects that are associated with the selected IP addresses and puts them in the recycle bin, with the following exceptions:

  • When you reclaim IP addresses that are in a DHCP range, all the objects that are associated with the IP addresses are deleted and the IP addresses remain in the DHCP range.
  • When you select an IP address that is part of a host record, only the selected IP address is deleted from the host. However, if the selected address is the only address in the host, Grid Manager deletes the host record.

Grid Manager does not reclaim the following:

  • Unused IP addresses
  • Bulk hosts

To reclaim an IP address:

  1. From the IP Map or List panel, select the IP address you want to reclaim, and then click Reclaim from the Toolbar. You can select multiple IP addresses.
  2. In the Delete Confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Grid Manager puts the deleted objects in the Recycle Bin if enabled.

Re: IPAM reserve ranges Reciaim

New Member
Posts: 1
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Thank you. Now I understand more.

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