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servfail forwarding .local queries

Posts: 3
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Recently had an issue when setting up a conditional forwarder zone from NIOS (8.6.2) DNS appliance, forwarding to a Microsoft DNS server.


One forwarder zone would not resolve (others worked fine) - and the problem zone was a '.local' zone.


Queries to the NIOS DNS server returned a servfail, with dig includeing a message about "local is reserved for multicast dns".

In the NIOS syslog, it had error messages like: insecurity proof failed resolving local


This last error message led me to DNSSEC validation, and turning validation OFF in the NIOS DNS configuration "fixed the issue" - queries now resolved!


Is this really the fix or workaround for forwarding .local queries? Anything else worth trying?


In general, I know .local should not be used in this instance, and for sure it's not a good idea to create an AD domain as  .local. But, I can't go back 10 years or so and get the AD guys to change it. Or suggest the proper fix is to migrate AD away from .local now. Smiley Wink




Re: servfail forwarding .local queries

Posts: 3
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Negative Trust Anchor is the way to 'fix' this, without having to disable DNSSEC validation totally.


Added the abc.local zone name as a NTA and all is still working. Smiley Happy


Re: servfail forwarding .local queries

New Member
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Alternatively, disable validation for the zone permanently (since NTAs expire automatically) by adding the abc.local zone name to a validate-except clause in your server's options settings:


options {


        validate-except { abc.local; };



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