
When a GMC is promoted into a GM, what is the reboot order?

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When a GMC is promoted into a GM, what is the reboot order for members. Say the Grid has 3 members:


1. a DNS highly available member

2. The original GM, which is also a HA member

3. the GMC, which is about to be promoted, also a HA member


If the order or reboot for the above members can not be controllr, how can rejoining the new GM "old GMC" be delayed?





Re: When a GMC is promoted into a GM, what is the reboot order?

Posts: 109
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Details regarding the promotion process can be found in the NIOS Administrators Guide. For your reference:


"During a Grid Master promotion, the newly-promoted Grid Master continuously contacts all Grid members, including the original Grid Master on UDP port 2114 until it reaches them. It notifies all Grid members that it is the new Grid Master. The Grid Members restart and then attempt to establish normal Grid communications (via BloxSync) with the newly promoted Grid Master.



You can do one of the following to promote a Master Candidate:
• Immediately notify all Grid members about the promotion.
• Set a sequential notification to provide wait time for Grid members to join the new Grid Master. Staggering the
restarts of Grid members can minimize DNS outages. The sequential order for Grid members to join the new Grid
Master begins with the old Grid Master and then the Grid members in FQDN order. The default delay time is 120
seconds. You can configure the delay time from a minimum of 30 seconds up to 600 seconds."


In short- by default, they all go at the same time. You can stagger the restarts but this does not let you control the order.

Re: When a GMC is promoted into a GM, what is the reboot order?

Posts: 58
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Thank you.

Re: When a GMC is promoted into a GM, what is the reboot order?

[ Edited ]
New Member
Posts: 2
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When you say "Grid members in FQDN order" ..what does it mean ? Does it mean Sorted by FQDN name  ? Ascending or descending ?

Re: When a GMC is promoted into a GM, what is the reboot order?

Posts: 109
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Per the admin guide:

The sequential order for Grid members to join the new Grid Master begins with the old Grid Master and then the Grid members in FQDN order.

When using the sequential order option, this would generally be from A to Z.


@PravinS wrote:

When you say "Grid members in FQDN order" ..what does it mean ? Does it mean Sorted by FQDN name  ? Ascending or descending ?


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