
how to showcase IP usage on multiple network in one chart

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Im trying to create a report to show how many users are in the office and  I've been using the dhcpv4 usage trend template. I am trying have a different line for each network I filtered  in the chart but no luck. 


I think if we can specify in the network in the code it could work but can't find the right syntax


something like this: 

| timechart bins=100 sum(dynamic_hosts) AND x.x.x.x/x as network1, sum(dynamic_hosts) AND x.x.x.x/x as network2,


not sure if this is even possible but I will take any help.


Re: how to showcase IP usage on multiple network in one chart

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sourcetype=ib:dhcp:network index=ib_dhcp | eval dedup_key=view."/".address."/".cidr | dedup dedup_key | msservers ms_servers | sort 0 -num(dhcp_utilization) | eval Free=address_total-dhcp_hosts | rename timestamp as Timestamp, view as "Network View", address as Network, cidr as CIDR, dhcp_utilization as "DHCPv4 Utilization %", ranges as Ranges, address_total as Provisioned, dhcp_hosts as Used, static_hosts as Static, dynamic_hosts as Dynamic | table Timestamp, "Network View", Network, CIDR, "DHCPv4 Utilization %", Ranges, Provisioned, Dynamic, Static, Free, Used

Hi David, this may be what you are looking for.

Re: how to showcase IP usage on multiple network in one chart

New Member
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