
Network Inventory - Include Comments and Site with Output

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I would like to modify the Infoblox created report "network inventory" to include  'comments' that are attached to a network, and the 'site' default Extensible Attribute.


I attempted to extract the comments field fom the events that were in "/infoblox/var/reporting/ipam_networks_report.csv" but the comments field was not included here.


I got the same results when looking at the events with search "sourcetype=ib:ipam:network index=ib_ipam".


If anyone could point me in the right direction in how to include the columns "comment" and "site" to this report it would be appreciated.


The goal is to get an inventory on all subnets each month and export it to a csv containing columns "Network" "VLAN" "Comment" and "Site".


The default "Network Inventory" report works fine as is, I would just like to add the "Comment" and "Site" columns.


Thank you



Re: Network Inventory - Include Comments and Site with Output

New Member
Posts: 1
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You ever figure this out.  I'm trying to put comment field in the reports.

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