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#2847: Upgrading Network Automation from Version 4.3.1 to Version 7.1.3


Before the upgrade:

  • Contact our Technical Support Team before starting any upgrade process from Network Automation 4.3.1.

  • Please check the Release Notes associated with each version before downloading the files for that version. Need special attention to the Release Notes for version 6.5.4 since this version includes major changes.

  • Perform the upgrade one version at a time. Download the file and run the upgrade for one version and then download the next file and run the upgrade for the next version.
  • Wait 4 to 6 hours between each upgrade cycle, except for the upgrade from version 6.4.5 to version 6.5.4.
  • Wait at least 24 hours after the 6.5.4 upgrade before starting the 6.6.0 upgrade. Significant changes were introduced in version 6.5.4, causing post-upgrade processing to take up to 24 hours.

Warning: Do not place all upgrade files on the appliance at the same time. Upgrades may fail due to insufficient disk space.

Upgrade Path from Network Automation 4.3.1 to the latest version

The upgrade path from Network Automation 4.3.1 to the latest version follows:

4.3.1 > 6.0.1

6.0.1 > 6.1.1

6.1.1 > 6.1.2

6.1.2 > 6.2.1

6.2.1 > 6.3.1

6.3.1 > 6.4.1

6.4.1 > 6.4.5

6.4.5 > 6.5.4

6.5.4 > 6.6.0

6.6.0 > 6.6.3

6.6.3 > 6.8.8

6.7.3 or 6.8.x. > 6.8.8 / 6.9.1 / 6.9.2 / 6.9.3 / 6.9.4

6.8.7 or 6.8.8. or 6.9.x > 7.0.1 / 7.0.2 / 7.0.3 /7.0.4/7.0.5

7.0.x (7.0.5 is recommended)> 7.1.1 / 7.1.2 / 7.1.3


NetMRI 1102-A appliances do not support the 7.0.x release and cannot be upgraded to 7.0.x.

Upgrading from earlier versions to v7.1.3 must pass through an upgrade to 7.0.1(7.0.5 is recommended)

Network Automation systems (standalone or Operation Center) can be upgraded to Network Automation v7.0.5 starting from the following versions: 6.8.x (however testing has only been from 6.8.7 and 6.8.8), and 6.9.x 

Data collection is shut down on Operations Centers during the 7.0.1 upgrade. In Operations Center Controller-to-Collector communications, all collected network data passes from the Collector to the Controller through a tunnel connection. Tunnel connections are shut down during upgrades to 7.0.1


Network Automation 6.8.8 can be applied as an upgrade to systems running Network Automation 6.6.3, 6.7.3, or 6.8.1 through 6.8.7. Network Automation 6.8.8 is a cumulative release and includes all resolved issues from release 6.8.1 through 6.8.7.


Before upgrading to Network Automation 6.9.4 release, 6.7.3 and 6.8.x, users who have multiple interfaces on their NetMRI must run a patch file from the Admin Shell CLI to determine service connectivity in preparation for the upgrade.The file is named PreUpgrade-v6.9-CheckServices.gpg. Users operating an OC deployment must contact Infoblox Customer Support for more information.
Syntax: Diag PreUpgrade-v6.9-CheckServices.gpg

Users operating an Operations Center deployment must contact Infoblox Customer Support for assistance in running the services check. This is due to the need to check the services from each collector.


Download the .gpg files for the old versions

Use the ftp link provided below to download the .gpg file for each version else contact Support:






Perform the upgrade one version at a time

Infoblox recommends that you download the file and perform the upgrade for one version and then download the next file and perform the upgrade for the next version. Do not place all upgrade files on the appliance at one time. Upgrades may fail due to insufficient disk space if all upgrade files are copied to the appliance at the same time.

  1. Download the upgrade file from our support site ( under Downloads > Network Automation [and NetMRI].

    2.     Move (SCP) the downloaded file to the NetMRI (Network Automation) appliance. The /Backup directory is the default and the correct place for the file.

    3.     After the file required for the upgrade has been copied, run the command "autoupdate <filename>" from the admin shell.

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